
Admission to the branch of the Yeoju Technical Institute in Tashkent began in Namangan

The Namangan branch of the Yeoju Technical Institute in Tashkent (hereinafter - the Branch) accepts applications for full-time and extramural forms of studies from August 27th till October 1st, 2021.
Full-time education in the areas of “Korean philology” Preschool Education, Primary Education, Fashion Design, “Business management”, “International economic relations”, “International marketing”, “Tourism”, “Banking”, “Accounting” and Finance is provided on a paid-contract basis in Uzbek and English.
 In extramural form of studies, education will be organized in the following areas: Tourism, Business Management, International Economic Relations, International Marketing, Accounting, Banking, Finance, Primary Education and Preschool education.

The parameters of the admission to the bachelor program, as well as the procedure and rules for admission, are determined by the Institute.
The academic year at the branch begins in the second half of October, 2021.

Graduates are issued a diploma of the Yeoju Technical Institute in Tashkent of the established form, recognized as a document on higher education in Uzbekistan.
The educational process is organized on the basis of a credit-modular system with the opportunity for students to participate in many joint international educational projects with leading European and South Korean universities under 2 + 2 double degree programs and 3 + 1 exchange educational programs. The partner universities of the Institute are the South Korean universities of Hanyang University, Chung Cheong University, Gachon University, Chosun University, Jeonju University, Namseoul University, as well as United Business Institutes in Belgium, Varna Management University in Bulgaria, Yildiz Technical University in Turkey and the University of Strathclyde in the UK. Also, students can take part in semester exchange programs within the framework of the student mobility system and undergo internships in leading international companies in foreign countries.
Pedagogical and educational activities are carried out by foreign and local professors and lecturers-practitioners who are graduates of prestigious universities in foreign countries such as the USA, Great Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, etc.
The infrastructure and facilities of the Institute which include modern information resource centers, scientific and educational laboratories provide all the necessary conditions for obtaining high-quality education in an international environment with national attributes. 

Registration of applications is carried out online ( until October 1st, 2021 ( The following documents must be submitted for registration:

•    Copy of passport (color);
•    Copy of lyceum or college diploma / high school certificate (color);
•    Electronic photo (3.5 cm × 4.5 cm) taken within the last 3 months;
•    A copy of the official certificate (color) of the level of proficiency in a foreign language IELTS (5.5 and higher) / TOPIK (3 and higher), if available.
Applicants with IELTS (5.5 and higher) certificates in English or TOPIK (3 and higher) in Korean are exempt from exams provided maximum points for these subjects.

Applicants, who score maximum or highest points according to entrance examination results, will have the opportunity to receive a tuition scholarship from the Institute.

Additional information is available on the official website of the institute and on the following social pages: Telegram (@yodju), Instagram              (@, Facebook (

For reference: The Institute carries out its activities on the basis of state license No. OT 0002 dated 07.24.2018, issued by the State Inspectorate for Supervision of the Quality in Education under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 1007 On additional measures to organize the activities of the Yeoju Technical Institute in Tashkent dated 12.17.2019