Жайдари келин” спектакль намойиши тадбир иштирокчилари томонидан илиқ қарши олинди

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21 Oct 2024
Жайдари келин” спектакль намойиши тадбир иштирокчилари томонидан илиқ қарши олинди

Тошкент Кимё халқаро университети ҳамда Тошкент вилояти Қуйи Чирчиқ тумани ҳокимияти ҳамкорлигида “Маърифат улашиб” лойиҳасига кўра Ўзбекистон Ёзувчилар уюшмаси аъзоси, шоир Шамсиддин Садоий билан ижодий учрашув бўлиб ўтди.
Ижодий учрашув Қуйи Чирчиқ шаҳрининг “Маданият саройи“да ўтказилиб, учрашувга университетга бириктирилган мактаб...

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Kimyo International University in Tashkent has started admitting applications for the Named Scholarships

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19 Oct 2024
Kimyo International University in Tashkent has started admitting applications for …

Kimyo International University in Tashkent has started the process of admitting applications for the Named Scholarships. These scholarships are aimed at rewarding academic achievements, stimulating scientific and creative activities of students and are intended for full-time and master's students.


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The delegation was received by the founder of KIUT, Professor Alisher Vakhobov, and the rector Karimjon Akhmedjanov

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18 Oct 2024
The delegation was received by the founder of KIUT, Professor …

An important meeting between Kimyo International University in Tashkent (TIUK) and Cheongju University (South Korea) was held yesterday within the framework of international cooperation. The official visit of the delegation headed by the rector of Cheongju University Kim Yoon Bae...

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On October 12 this year, the director of International Cooperation at Varna University in Bulgaria, Dr. Kristina Armutlieva, visited Kimyo International University in Tashkent

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16 Oct 2024
On October 12 this year, the director of International Cooperation …

On October 12 this year, the director of International Cooperation at Varna University in Bulgaria, Dr. Kristina Armutlieva, visited Kimyo International University in Tashkent. As part of this visit, the guest held a meeting with students, during which the possibilities...

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«Основы теории языка» в магистерских группах MRUS1 / MRUS2.

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15 Oct 2024
«Основы теории языка» в магистерских группах MRUS1 / MRUS2.

10 октября 2024 года, в 17:00 в аудитории А 421, на кафедре Русского языка состоялось открытое лекционное занятие по дисциплине «Основы теории языка» в магистерских группах MRUS1 / MRUS2.

Тема лекционного занятия: «Язык и речь». Лекционное занятие проводилось...

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Rector of Necmettin Erbakan State University Dr. Cem Zorlu visited Kimyo International University in Tashkent

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15 Oct 2024
Rector of Necmettin Erbakan State University Dr. Cem Zorlu visited …

On October 10 this year, a delegation led by Rector of Necmettin Erbakan State University Dr. Cem Zorlu visited Kimyo International University in Tashkent (KIUT). The members of the delegation were welcomed by KIUT founder Alisher Vakhobov and Rector Karimjon...

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Kimyo International University Teachers Successfully Complete Erasmus+ Training in Lithuania

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11 Oct 2024
Kimyo International University Teachers Successfully Complete Erasmus+ Training in Lithuania

Kimyo International University Teachers Successfully Complete Erasmus+ Training in Lithuania

Faculty members from Mechanical Engineering Department have successfully finished a two-week advanced training course at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU) in Lithuania. The program, held from September 30, was part...

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Вирусли гепатит “А“ – ўткир юқумли антропаноз касаллик бўлиб, касалликнинг қўзғатувчиси вируслардир

Related goals:

11 Oct 2024
Вирусли гепатит “А“ – ўткир юқумли антропаноз касаллик бўлиб, касалликнинг …

Вирусли гепатит “А“ касаллигидан огоҳ бўлинг!
Вирусли гепатит “А“ – ўткир юқумли антропаноз касаллик бўлиб, касалликнинг қўзғатувчиси вируслардир. Касаллик жигар фаолиятининг бузилиши ва организмда умумий заҳарланиш аломатлари билан кечади. Сарғайиш белгиси билан кечадиган касалликлар аҳолига қадимдан маълум бўлиб, бу касалликлар...

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Kimyo International University in Tashkent announces a tender in order to purchase the software and laboratory equipment for an implementation of the project under the EU Erasmus + program framework “101128065 — SPHERE — ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CBHE Sustainable

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10 Oct 2024
Kimyo International University in Tashkent announces a tender in order …

Kimyo International University in Tashkent announces a tender in order to purchase the software and laboratory equipment for an implementation of the project under the EU Erasmus + program framework “101128065 — SPHERE — ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CBHE Sustainable transportation within the framework...

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Kimyo International University in Tashkent is actively developing its educational programs in the field of fashion design, and one of the key tools in this process is the CLO 3D program

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10 Oct 2024
Kimyo International University in Tashkent is actively developing its educational …

Kimyo International University in Tashkent is actively developing its educational programs in the field of fashion design, and one of the key tools in this process is the CLO 3D program. Since the beginning of cooperation with CLO three years...

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8 октября 2024 года в Ташкентском международном университете Кимё состоялась встреча с доктором педагогических наук

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10 Oct 2024
8 октября 2024 года в Ташкентском международном университете Кимё состоялась …

8 октября 2024 года в Ташкентском международном университете Кимё состоялась встреча с доктором педагогических наук, доцентом кафедры общей дидактики и эмпирического исследования урока педагогического факультета Дрезденского технического университета (TUD, Германия) Юлией Васильевной Койновой-Цёльнер. Ю.В. Койнова-Цёльнер представила доклад на тему: «Аспекты...

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At the Tashkent International University of Chemistry, a meeting was held with Professor, Doctor of History, Director of the Institute of Psychology and Education of the Kazan Federal University Kalimullin Aidar Minimansurovich.

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10 Oct 2024
At the Tashkent International University of Chemistry, a meeting was …

5 октября 2024 года в Ташкентском международном университете Кимё состоялась встреча с профессором, доктором исторических наук, директором Института психологии и образования Казанского федерального университета Калимуллиным Айдаром Минимансуровичем. В рамках встречи рассматривались вопросы  организации подготовки профессионалов и лидеров в образовании и...

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President of the international cultural association Progetto Angeli A.P.S, artist and designer Aida Abdullaeva visited Kimyo International University in Tashkent

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09 Oct 2024
President of the international cultural association Progetto Angeli A.P.S, artist …

President of the international cultural association Progetto Angeli A.P.S, artist and designer Aida Abdullaeva visited Kimyo International University in Tashkent. During the visit, she took part in an art exhibition held at the university. Aida Abdullaeva is a candidate for...

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Students and teachers of the Painting Department of International Kimyo University in Tashkent were inspired by a cultural trip to Italy and created a number of works

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09 Oct 2024
Students and teachers of the Painting Department of International Kimyo …

Students and teachers of the Painting Department of International Kimyo University in Tashkent were inspired by a cultural trip to Italy and created a number of works.

If you have not visited the exhibition, then these photographs will help you...

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Aholini ro‘yxatga olishning  bosqichlari

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09 Oct 2024
Aholini ro‘yxatga olishning bosqichlari

Aholini ro‘yxatga olishni o‘tkazish bo‘yicha xalqaro tavsiyalar  va xorijiy mamlakatlar tajribasidan kelib chiqqan holda, aholini ro‘yxatga olishga tayyorgarlik ko‘rish va uni o‘tkazish ishlari uch bosqichni o‘z ichiga olib, ularning doirasida tadbirlar ham bosqichma-bosqich, ham bir vaqtning o‘zida o‘tkazilishi mumkin. 

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Cамарқанднинг тарихий жойларига экскурсия

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08 Oct 2024
Cамарқанднинг тарихий жойларига экскурсия

Самарқанднинг тарихий жойларига экскурсия: Талабалар ўртасида халқаро тажриба алмашинуви

2024 йил 2 октябрь куни Тошкент Халқаро Кимё Университетининг ижтимоий-гуманитар фанлар  ва Самарқанд филиалидаги тарих кафедраси ҳамда Германиянинг Фридрих Александр Эрланген-Нюрнберг университетининг замонавий ва шарқий Европа тарихи кафедраси билан ҳамкорликда Самарқанд...

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Kimyo International University in Tashkent hosted Professor Moritz Florin, Head of the Department of Modern and East European History at Friedrich-Alexander University located in Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany

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07 Oct 2024
Kimyo International University in Tashkent hosted Professor Moritz Florin, Head …

On October 4, 2024, Kimyo International University in Tashkent hosted Professor Moritz Florin, Head of the Department of Modern and East European History at Friedrich-Alexander University located in Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany. During the visit, the professor met with the Head of...

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On September 30 this year, the head of the design department of European Design University Pescara, Mr. Angelo Bucci, and his deputy Mr. Luca Giuliano visited KIUT

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07 Oct 2024
On September 30 this year, the head of the design …

Cooperation between Kimyo International University in Tashkent (KIUT) and the prestigious European University of Design, located in the Italian city of Pescara, is strengthening. On September 30 this year, the head of the design department of European Design University Pescara,...

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философии (PhD) или доктора наук (DSc)

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04 Oct 2024
философии (PhD) или доктора наук (DSc)

Вниманию заявителей, желающих подать заявку на самостоятельное соискательство - одну из форм послевузовского образования в Ташкентский международный университет Кимё

Самостоятельное соискательство — форма послевузовского образования по специальности научных и научно-педагогических кадров высшей квалификации, организуемого в ВОУ или НИУ...

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Cooperation between Kimyo International University in Tashkent and Japanese companies is strengthening

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03 Oct 2024
Cooperation between Kimyo International University in Tashkent and Japanese companies …

Cooperation between Kimyo International University in Tashkent and Japanese companies is strengthening. On September 30 of this year, our university was visited by a delegation of the famous architectural and construction company Terumasagumi Co., headed by its president Teruya Keita....

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