Master's degree
Goals and objectives of master studies:
The main goal of the Master’s degree program is to organize at the Kimyo International University in Tashkent the process of training highly qualified specialists who have thoroughly mastered professional, pedagogical and related specialized knowledge in the relevant specialty, based on the trends of the socio-economic development of our country in accordance with national and international standards and understanding their responsibility to society and the state on the basis of the formation of skills for conducting scientific research in their specialty.
The main tasks of the department are
- Development of master's degree activities based on national and international standards in the formation of legal, organizational and educational-methodological, scientific-pedagogical and scientific-methodical relations, as well as organizing them based on the demands and proposals of personnel customers and regularly improving them;
- Organization of the educational process in master's specialties, constant control of the quality of education and training and the increase of scientific potential;
- Establishment and constant improvement of forms and mechanisms of management of master's degree activities, organization of educational processes;
- Organizing the provision of necessary textbooks and literature for master's degrees, attracting mature scientists and highly qualified specialists to this work, developing the scientific field;
- Monitoring the implementation of educational and scientific-research works by master's degree students;
- Regular monitoring of teaching and scientific research of master's students, regular analysis of master's training and preparation of reports on them;
- To create goal-oriented conditions for pedagogues teaching at the master's level to carry out their assigned tasks and to increase their social, professional and personal activity, to develop systems of their motivation;
- Formation and development of master's information supply systems;
- Constant participation in the development and implementation of scientific projects and programs together with advanced foreign partners in the republic;
- Systematic analysis of the current situation, identification of problematic situations, determination of priorities for the development of master's degrees;
- Organization of study of demands and offers in the field of master's training, ensuring competitiveness in the market of educational services and professional labor, and formation of marketing in the field of master's training;
- Creation of an information bank on jobs in the labor market, development of cooperative relations with employers' organizations regarding job distribution of graduate students who have received education on the basis of benefits;
- Development of proposals and instructions reflecting the interests of the participants-partners of the master's training process and their development;
- Implementation of purposeful and results-oriented work on establishing mutual cooperation relations with international, interstate, republican and regional structures and organizations;
- Creation and implementation of programs, projects, initiatives aimed at the development of the master's degree.
Scheme process of activities of the master studies of
Kimyo international university in tashkent
Kimyo international university in tashkent
Master’s degree programmes
2024-2025 academic year
- 70411302 - MBA - Master of Business Administration
- 70410401 - MPF - M.Sc. Public Finance
- 70412202 - MCF - M.Sc. Corporate Finance
- 70412202 - MBAN - M.Sc. Banking
- 70410102 - MAUD - M.Sc. Audit
- 70412202 - MACC - M.Sc. Accounting
- 70412202 - MTOU - M.Sc. Tourism
- 70412202 - MPRI - M.Sc. Theory and Methods of Primary education
- 70412202 - MPRE - M.Sc. Theory and Methods of Preschool education
- 70730301 - MCEN - M.Sc. Civil Engineering and Construction
- 70510103 - MBIO - M.Sc. Biotechnology
- 70730103 - MUPLA - M.Sc. Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture
- 70730101 - MABS - M.Sc. Architecture of Buildings and Structures
- 70711501 - MMR - M.Sc. Mechatronics and Robotics
- 70610701 - MAI - M.Sc. Artificial Intelligence
- 70110401 - MSPD - M.Sc. Special Pedagogy, Defectology (Logopedics) new
- 70210401 - MFAD - M.A. Design (Fashion Design) new
- 70230101 - MKOR - M.A. Linguistics (Korean Language) new
- 70230101 - MRUS - M.A. Linguistics (Russian Language) new
- 70230101 - MENG - M.A. Linguistics (English Language) new
- 70310901 - MPSY - M.Sc. Psychology (Social Psychology) new
- 70711801 - MMED - M.Sc. Medical Engineering new