What is a startup and can any new business be called a startup?

What is a startup and can any new business be called a startup?

Within the framework of cooperation between IT Park, Google Developers Group Tashkent and the Yeoju Technical Institute in Tashkent, a guest lecture was held for students of the department of Information Systems Engineering on the topic: What is a startup and can any new business be called a startup? Our guest Sardor Islamov, leader of GDG Tashkent and software engineer at Stringflix, spoke about start-up projects, scientific and innovative projects and new requirements in the world of programming that exist due to self-financing. The US experience in implementing start-up projects aroused great interest among students. In conclusion, we would like to say, we believe that through the continuous development of their worldview, our students will be able to establish start-up projects that will benefit the community in the future.