Иқтисодий назария

Economic Theory

The first meeting of the Academic Council under the Yeoju Technical Institute in Tashkent for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) PhD.03 / 04.06.2021.1.133.01 08.00.01 - specializing in Economic Theory was held. The rector of the Yeoju Technical Institute in Tashkent Janpolat Kudaybergenov informed the participants about the opening of the doctoral program in the specialty Economic Theory - 08.00.01. The members of the Scientific Council, having familiarized themselves with the structure of the scientific seminar at the Council, agreed on the tasks of the scientific seminar. In particular, the tasks include: approval of the program of qualification exams and the composition of the examination committee 08.00.01 - in the specialty Economic theory, approval of the program of qualification exams in a foreign language (English) and the composition of the examination committee 08.00.01 - in  specialty Economic theory, the formation and approval of the list of leading organizations for the defense of PhD theses at the Academic Council.
List of members of the Academic Council