The educational principles of Maria Montessori are widespread in the world of education, focused on the formation of the child's personality
On March 18, a master class Methodology of Maria Montessori was organized. The event consecrated the life path and the results of her active professional work of Maria Montessori, a well-known psychologist, doctor of medical sciences, the founder of many advanced methods in the field of children's pedagogy.
Maria Montessori focused on educating children, first of all, their worldview and sense of acceptance the reality. She began to create ways for children to explain objects by touch, rather than theoretically.
The production of Maria Montessori performed by students served as a good impetus for the viewer to fully understand the true image of our heroine. In conclusion, according to the principles of Maria Montessori, the main forms of education are independent and practical studies of children. The methodology recommends developing the learning process using the necessary tools. Today, the results of the reforms that Maria Montessori once carried out are effectively used in the organization and equipment of the educational process.