In order to identify and support gifted students of Yeoju Technical Institute in Tashkent (YTIT), MoU was signed between the AKFA group of companies and YTIT
In order to identify and support talented students, the AKFA group of companies will sign a memorandum of cooperation with the Yeoju technical institute in Tashkent.
The signed document is aimed at strengthening ties and searching for potential opportunities for cooperation, in the field of innovative educational activities. The agreement also provides for joint research and development work in areas relevant to both sides.
The parties reached an agreement on organizing and holding joint conferences, seminars, exhibitions, presentations of mutual interest between the company and educational institutions.
The Memorandum provides for the creation of the necessary conditions to improve the quality of student training in areas corresponding to the profile of the company.
The YTIT has the ability to organize an industrial practice in the structural divisions of the company, according to the profile of training students. In turn, the AKFA Group will create all the necessary conditions for students to practice. For effective passage, each student will be assigned a qualified specialist with many years of experience.
It is worth noting that a specialized AKFA class will be created according to the MoU, which is aimed at supporting talented students and unleashing their potential. A program of measures aimed at employing university graduates has been outlined. The meeting today included an excursion to classrooms and laboratories.