




Dear colleagues!

We invite you to take part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference

Innovative education: international experience,

problems and solutions

 The conference will take place on April 21, 2021 in Yeoju Technical Institute in Tashkent (125, Usman Nasyr Street, Yakkasaray district, Tashkent)


 Conference topics:

−      Innovative education, creative thinking and computerization of society;

−      Art and design as an element of creating an environment for innovative education;

−      The role of history and philosophy as an element of diplomacy in the state structure;

−      Traditional and innovative methods in the educational process;

−      Language as a form of embodiment of national identity;

−      Theoretical issues of modern linguistics;

−      The role of intercultural communication in the system of language education;

−      Methodological issues of teaching languages;

−      The issues of teaching literature at the university;

−      Innovative educational technologies in the educational process;

−      Directing students to creativity in the educational process;

−      Directing students to creative work in teaching psychology;

−      International experience in preparing students of primary education for professional activity;

−      Development of children's creativity in the field of preschool education;

        The work in the sections is planned to be organized in the following directions:

 1.  Innovations in the system of social and humanitarian disciplines. 

 2.  Innovations in the language teaching system. 

 3.  Innovations in pedagogy and psychology. 

 4.  Methodology of teaching at primary and preschool level. 

     The publication of articles is financed by the Yeoju Technical Institute in Tashkent.

 As part of the conference, master classes will be held on the topic of the conference.

 Forms of participation in the work of the conference are: plenary/ sectional, participation in the discussion.

 Duration of presentation at the conference - 15 minutes (presentation at the plenary session), 5 minutes (section presentation).

 Applications for participation in the conference and presentation materials are accepted until March 25, 2021 in the form of an electronic application by e-mail: (Innovations in the language teaching system), (Innovations in pedagogy and psychology. Methodology of teaching at primary and preschool level),  (Innovations in the system of social and humanitarian disciplines). 

 The collection of conference materials will be uploaded to the Конференции.ru website. Electronic publications will be available at and google scholar.

 The application should indicate: name, academic degree, title, position and place of work of the author (authors), title of the report, contact phones and addresses.

 Full-time participation in the conference is recommended.

 Conference proceedings will be published upon the end of the conference.

 The working languages of the conference are: Uzbek, Russian, English.

 Articles are accepted in Uzbek, Russian and English.

 Articles should be sent by March 25, 2021 in electronic form to the following address:

 Yeoju Technical Institute in Tashkent (departments of Pedagogy and Psychology, Russian language, Social and Humanitarian Disciplines).

 Articles that do not meet the formatting requirements (see below) will not be accepted.

 Organizing committee: Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Yeoju Technical Institute in Tashkent, departments of Pedagogy and Psychology, Russian language, Social and Humanitarian Disciplines humanities

  Requirements for the formatting of the texts of speeches

1.    Articles of not less than five pages are accepted for publication.

2.     Use Microsoft Word for Windows to type text, formulas and tables.

Document requirements: all margins 2 cm; Times New Roman, size - 14; line spacing - 1.5; justified alignment; paragraph indentation 1 cm; the orientation of the sheet is portrait. Pictures made in MS Word are not accepted.

3.    Formulas, tables, pictures (color and black and white) and graphs are allowed. Formulas must be typed (do not insert a non-editable picture!). If there are more than one (one) figures and tables, they are numbered, the names (editable) of figures and tables are centered, text and numerical values ​​in tables (font size 12) must be editable (do not insert a picture!); explanatory captions should be editable (font size 12). The inscriptions embedded in the figures must be carefully edited and correspond to the figure and the text of the abstracts.

 4. Title formatting in Russian: (in capital, bold letters, alignment in the center of the line) TITLE OF THE ARTICLE; on the next line (bold italic font, right alignment) - name and surname of the author of the article in full; on the next line (italic font, right alignment) - academic title, academic degree, position, university name; on the next line (italic font, right alignment) - e-mail for contacts. If there are several authors of the article, then the information is repeated for each author.

 5. Title formatting in English: the same information is repeated in the language in which the article is written.

 6. Annotation in three working languages, no more than 600 characters (including spaces) for annotation in each language.

 7. Key words (given in Russian and English) are separated from each other by a semicolon.

 8. After 1 line - the text of the article.

 9. After1 line - the inscription: References. After it, a list of references is given in alphabetical order.

 Footnotes only end - in square brackets, indicating the source number in accordance with the list of references given at the end of the article, for example, [1].

 Do not use automatic footnotes for bibliography;

 Do not hyphenate words.

 The organizing committee reserves the right to reject articles that do not correspond to the topic of the conference, in case of detection of plagiarism and a technically incorrect presentation.

 Organizing Committee address: room 109, 125 U. Nasyr Street, Yakkasaray district, Tashkent). Phone/fax:+998 78 129–40–40 (419); е-mail:,,




 N.N. Ivanov

 Dr. of Philological Sciences, prof., 

 Pushkin State Russian Language Institute, Russia, Moscow


 Annotation: Annotation text

 Abstract: Text

 Key words: Russian language, grammar, polyparadigmatic approach

    Text of theses. Text of theses. Text of theses. Text of theses. 



 1.    Верещагин Е.М., Костомаров В.Г. Язык и культура: Лингвострановедение в преподавании русского языка как иностранного. 4-е изд., перераб. и доп. М., 1990. 

2.    Всеволодова М.В. Употребление полных и кратких прилагательных // Русский язык за рубежом. 1971. №3.

3.    Дорофеева Т.М. Обязательная синтаксическая сочетаемость глагола в современном русском языке: Дис. ... канд. филол. наук. М., 1974. 

4.    Преображенский А.Г. Этимологический словарь русского языка. М., 1959. 

5.    Практическая методика обучения русскому языку как иностранному / Под ред. А.Н. Щукина. М., 2003. 

6.    Bennett M. A Developmental Approach to Training Intercultural Sensitivity // International Journal of Intercultural Relations. 1986. Vol. 10. No 2. 7. Howatt A.P.R., Widdowson H.G. A History of English Language Teaching. Oxford, 2004



in the International Scientific and Practical Conference Innovative education: international experience, problems and solutions

(April, 21 2021)



   Academic degree


    Work place


    Title of the report 

    Number and title of the section

    Mailing address  
    Telephone number with city code, mobile phone number