Informational letter
Yeoju Technical institute in Tashkent in March, 30th, 2022 is scheduling an international scientific – practical conference named “Postpandemic economy: risk, problems, solutions” in order to identify scientific solutions of the tasks, outlined in the 3rd direction “Development of the national economy, ensuring its growth rates” of the Presidential decree No. 60 - “Strategy of New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026 yy.”, issued by the President of Uzbekistan Sh. M. Mirziyoyev.
The scientific – practical conference will be held both in offline and online formats (through ZOOM) at 10:00 AM., March, 30th, 2022 (link to the ZOOM conference will be provided).
Publishing the scientific papers in the conference – free of charge. Foreign and local scientific staff, professors and teachers of Higher educational institutions, specialist – trainees, staff of the research institutes, doctorates and independent researchers, masters and bachelor’s students are welcome to participate in the conference with their scientific papers.
The conference is divided in to following sections:
1. Pandemic and economic development tendencies: modern approaches and methods.
2. Problems in financial sector and perspective ways of its development.
3. Harmonization methods of the international economic relations’ transformation and the national interests.
4. Transformation of the national banking system: risks in the post-pandemic period, new problems and solutions.
5. Modern Accounting, economic analysis and audit: modern requirements and tasks.
Requirements for the scientific papers
- The scientific article should consist of the following parts:
1.1. Abstract and key words
1.2. Relevance of the researched topic
1.3. Literature review
1.4. Solutions
1.5. Scientific recommendations,
1.6. Expected economic effect
1.7. Bibliography
II. Scientific articles and theses should be properly edited and should meet all of the following technical requirements:
- text editor – MS Word 2007, 2010;
- paper size – А4, 20mm indent from each side;
- font type– Times New Roman – 14;
- line space and indent – 1,5;
- volume – minimum of 5-8 full pages;
- full name, scientific degree and title, occupation of the author, institution name should be written in the upper right corner, and the name of the scientific research should be written in the middle in bold type;
- all the tables, schemes and pictures should be in MS Word format, font - Times New Roman, name of the schemes and pictures should be written below the graph, the tables’ – above.;
- all the graphs and diagrams should be in MS Excel;
- formulas should be written in the editorMS Equation;
- in tables, pictures and schemes – the source should be written and in the main text there should be references to them;
- references should be located in the from below of the each page;
- scientific article can be written in three languages: uzbek, Russian and English.
III. The scientific papers with the filled form of the author should be mailed ONLY in digital form to the e-mail: @confytit_bot until march 12th, 2022.
IV. submitted scientific papers will be reviewed for the conformity the requirements, furthermore they will be checked on the antiplagiarism platform , According to the results of the expertise, materials which do not meet the requirements will not be published nor returned to authors.
Scientific papers with a positive expertise mark will be included in to the list of the digital publication and will be published on the official website
Address of the organizational committee: 100121, Tashkent, Yakkasaray district, Usman Nasyr str., 156, departments of “Banking and accounting”, “Finance and Business management” and “International economics”
Phone number of the department: 78-129-40-40 (156)
Author’s form
1. |
Last name |
2. |
First name |
3. |
Middle name |
4. |
The place of work\study |
5. |
Occupation |
6. |
Scientific degree |
7. |
Scientific title |
8. |
Phone no. |
9 |
10. |
The name of the paper |
11. |
The section of the topic |