Korean Language Courses
A population census is a periodic process of collecting and processing personal data, which is carried out throughout the whole territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan or in its individual territories, which determines the demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the population on a certain date.
The main purpose of the census is to obtain reliable and objective information about the state of the population and the dynamics of development in the Republic of Uzbekistan, which is necessary to determine and implement the priorities of state policy in the field of socio-economic and socio-political development.
The main tasks of the census.
State regulation of population census is carried out by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Republican Commission for assistance in the census in the Republic of Uzbekistan, the specially authorized state body in the field of population census, as well as local authorities.
Questions of the population census program.
Summarized statistical information generated as a result of the collection and processing of personal data, which is the final data of the population census.