On May 8, 2021, a site excursion was organized to the showrooms of two large furniture
On May 8, 2021, a site excursion was organized to the showrooms of two large furniture manufacturing companies - AIKO and DAFNA for the 3rd year students of the Architecture and Urban Design department. They cooperate with such partners as Kapital Bank, Westminster International University in Tashkent, Asia Trans, Tashkent City, Artel and many others.
DAFNA is a market leader in office furniture industry, which has established close relationships with the largest suppliers of office furniture from China, Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan since 1995.
The largest supplier of office chairs, armchairs, upholstered and other office furniture.
AIKO is a leader in the production of wicker furniture in Uzbekistan and modern office furniture as well as furniture for home and garden, was founded in 2009. This is a promising enterprise with wide technological capabilities for full-cycle production from the manufacture of artificial rattan thread to the production of a finished product. AIKO has launched a production line for the production of artificial rattan by the extrusion method for the first time in Uzbekistan, using exclusively primary raw materials. The work on the weaving of the frame is done by craftsmen manually.
Architecture students got acquainted with the products, received information about furniture production technologies, materials and design styles necessary for their current projects in the discipline Introduction to Interior Design, received company catalogs, and also exchanged contacts for further cooperation and internships in companies.
The excursion was conducted by the teachers of the institute - Maksumova M. and Almyasheva L.