Great news for you! We inform you that starting from 24.06.2024, every Monday and Wednesday (depending on the program) a portfolio screening and interview sessions will start.
To the attention of applicants who have successfully applied for the following educational programs: Architecture and Urban Design, Fashion Design, Painting, Interior Design, English Education, Korean Philology, Russian Language, Uzbek Language and Literature, Theory and Practice of Translation, Translation Studies (Chinese). Great news for you! We inform you that starting from 24.06.2024, every Monday and Wednesday (depending on the program) a portfolio screening and interview sessions will start.
Your documents must be registered on admission.kiut.uz. You must have a passport or ID card with you. Applicants applying for the programs Architecture and Urban Design, Fashion Design, Painting and Interior Design must bring their own art works (portfolio), consisting of 10 works. The interview and portfolio screening will be held from 10:00 to 16:00. (Lunch break 13:00-14:00)
Architecture and Urban Design, Painting and Interior Design - Building B, room 311;
Fashion Design - Building C, room 701;
Russian Language - Building A, room 203;
Korean Language - Building A, room 316;
Uzbek Language and Literature, Theory and Practice of Translation (Chinese language) - Building B, room 802;
English Education - Building A, room 608.
☎️ Detailed information: 78 129 40 40 (1)