Today the university hosted “Muhandis-D” exhibition

Today the university hosted “Muhandis-D” exhibition

In this traditionally organized exhibition, the students showcased their skills and creativity, as well as the projects they have been working on throughout the year. It is noteworthy that students sought to find solutions to environmental problems and societal pain points through the development of new technologies, machines and systems. For example, the main purpose of the “LED BIKE VEST” device is to notify an object moving behind a person on a bicycle in advance about its movement and thereby ensure road safety. Another project called “Wire insulation machine” is aimed at fully automating the process of insulating various open wires in everyday life or industry using this device, thereby facilitating human labor. The project called “Pelton Turbine” is a micro-hydro power plant, convenient for providing a moderate power supply to the population living in mountainous and foothill areas. The Pelton Turbine is ideal for rivers and springs with a small volume of water, but flowing from a high mountain slope. The efficiency of this type of turbine reaches 85%, and the output power, depending on the size of the device, ranges from 2kW to 2MW. Since this technology is known to the world, its overall cost is cheaper compared to other energy sources. This device is made for scientific purposes and is designed to help students understand how turbines work during class. “Piano hand” is an entertainment project, the purpose of which is the efficient use of sensors. The project is not limited to playing the piano, it can also move artificial prostheses. “Automatic car parking system”, which took the leading position among the projects, offered a number of solutions, such as preventing traffic jams in a city, safe zone for cars, automatic control and parking more cars in a small area.
At the end of the exhibition, the jury evaluated the projects on several criteria, including innovation, technical excellence, practicality and social impact. Also, the winners who took 1st, 2nd and 3rd places were awarded certificates and money prizes by Kimyo International University in Tashkent.