We intend to select the most talented young people in the country
We intend to select the most talented young people in the country!
Employees of the Yeoju Technical Institute in Tashkent (YTIT) have been visiting various cities, districts, and villages of the country for almost a month to present our institute to graduates of schools who have a great thirst for knowledge. This time, the trip was organized to secondary schools in the Kyzyltepa and Karmana districts of Navoi region. Three of our students, J. Ganiev, B. Goybullaev and M. Ibotova, led by Mrs. Zuhra Jumaeva, also took an active part in the introductory meetings to provide young people with detailed information about the educational programs of YTIT, entrance exams and the provided comfortable facilities at the Institute. Our students answered all the questions related to the student life at the Institute based on their experience. At the end of the meeting, the head of the department of public education of Navoi region Mr. M. Shamuratov sent a letter to the management of YTIT, in which he said that the young people who took part in the event, showed great interest in our educational institution. We, in turn, express our gratitude to the Department of Public Education of the Navoi region, teachers, and school principals who are not indifferent to the future of young people.
We believe that this meeting, organized on the eve of the holiday in a friendly spirit, had motivated the graduates to determine their future paths. Indeed, there is a great need in our country for qualified personnel in such areas as architecture and urban design, alternative energy, construction, information systems engineering and lift engineering.