Web of Science

Web of Science

Dear students, we would like to present to your attention new textbooks written by professors and teachers of the Yeoju Technical Institute in Tashkent, which are now available in the Institute's Information Resource Center.

Finance: Practicum (A. Umarova), in Russian
Architectural design of shopping, entertainment and cultural centers (I.V. Gabibova), in Russian
Fundamentals of genetics and hereditary disorders in the development of children (D.R. Inogamova, S.S. Fayzullaeva), in Russian
Higher Mathematics (M.I. Akhmedov, R.Kh. Kadyrov), in Uzbek

For your information, in our library there are many textbooks on various subjects written by professors and teachers of the institute. After the classes are switched to the offline mode, you will be able to use them freely. Moreover, the Alisher Navoi National Library of Uzbekistan has provided the institute with access to global information resources such as Web of Science and ProQuest. To use these resources: https://t.me/ytit_library