Winners of Akfa Scholarship - 2021 determined
Seven students of the Yeoju Technical Institute in Tashkent became holders of Akfa Group educational grants. Our talented students Pak Vadim, Zakirov Ibragim, Ziyamuhamedov Sanjar, Yovkochev Ulmas, Tadjiboeva Munisa, Kakhramanov Shukurjon and Madiboev Khusanboy became winners after passing several stages of the competition. In addition, Rasulova Lobar and Abduvosikova Medinabon were given the opportunity to undergo an internship in the company. It should be noted that in terms of the number of winners, students of our institute made up the majority among the students of higher educational institutions who participated in the competition. Certainly, achieving this result was not easy. But for our students, their intellectual potential, knowledge and skills acquired in the education process undoubtedly served as a decisive factor.