The Department of "Banking and Accounting" is the main educational and scientific unit of the university that trains experts in the field of economics, and was established in August 2021.
The main goal of the department - is to train bachelors and masters with high intelligence, modern knowledge, and practical skills in "Banking", "Accounting and auditing" and other educational areas of the economy.
The main tasks of the department:
Subjects are taught in Uzbek, Russian and English languages in accordance with the economic education curriculum in the department.
Classes are conducted on the basis of the approved working program (Syllabus) and lesson schedule. The educational materials prepared by the teachers of the department are uploaded to the Moodle platform.
Now 22 professors work in the department, and eight of them work in the main staff as full-time teachers, fourteen of them work as part-time teachers.
Department location: A-building, room A-215.
From 2021, he is the head of the "Banking and accounting" department. He is a member of the Scientific Council numbered PhD.03/04.2021. I.133.01 awarding the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Economics at the Kimyo International University in Tashkent and the scientific seminar under this council. He is also a member of the editorial board of the electronic journal "Financial and Economic Sustainability" of Kimyo International University in Tashkent.The field of his scientific activity is banking, Islamic finance, microfinancing, and monetary policy. More than 100 scientific and methodological works were published by Dodiev Fozil O'tkurovich. Participated in foreign and local scientific projects.
Since October 2022, he has been working as an associate professor at the Banking and Accounting department. More than 50 scientific articles and theses have been published during his scientific activity. He co-published 3 textbooks, 4 training manuals, and 3 teaching-methodical manuals. Under his leadership, two students won the State Scholarships named after Navoi, D. Khairullaev won 1st place in the Accounting and Auditing discipline at the Republican Science Olympiad.
Since September 2022, she has been working as an associate professor in the Banking and Accounting department. More than 50 scientific articles and theses have been published during her scientific activity. Author of 2 textbooks, 4 training manuals, and 3 training manuals, co-author of 3 training manuals.
Since September 2021, she has been working as a senior teacher in the Banking and Accounting department. More than 60 scientific articles and theses have been published during her scientific career. She co-published 2 textbooks, 4 training manuals, and 3 teaching-methodical manuals.
Since February 2023, he has been working as an assistant professor at the Department of Banking and Accounting. Field of scientific activity - Accounting and economic analysis. During his scientific activity, he has had more than 40 scientific articles and abstracts published. Co-author of 3 textbooks, 2 manuals and 7 teaching aids. Under his mentorship, one student (B.Sanakulova) recieved the Presidential Scholarship, two students (U.Pardaev and S.Ahmedov) achieved in the Navoi State Scholarship. Also, under his scientific supervision, 2 degrees of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in economics were conducted their scientific research and succeeded in defending their scientific work.
2024 yil iyundan “Bank ishi va buxgalteriya hisobi” kafedrasining professori lavozimida ishlab kelmoqda. Ilmiy faoliyatining ixtisosligi: 08.00.08- “Buxgalteriya hisobi, iqtisodiy tahlil va audit” Ilmiy faoliyati davomida 200 dan ortiq ilmiy maqola va tezislari nashr etilgan (xorijiy jurnallarda 10 ta, jumladan xalqaro “Scopus” bazasida 4 ta). Hammualliflikda 4 ta darslik, 5 ta o‘quv qo‘llanma, 10 ta o‘quv-uslubiy qo‘llanmalarni chop etgan.
Project leader: Fozil Dodiyev
Title: Creating an interactive electronic platform for determining population poverty in Uzbekistan
The project aims to develop a new criteria for determining poverty in Uzbekistan. The main goal of the project is to create and implement an interactive electronic platform for determining poverty based on new criteria.
Objectives of the project: