A memorandum of cooperation was concluded between Tashkent National Center for Teacher Training in New Methods and Kimyo International University in Tashkent
A memorandum of cooperation was concluded between Tashkent National Center for Teacher Training in New Methods and Kimyo International University in Tashkent. The document was signed by acting rector of KIUT Akhmedjanov Karimjon Bakidjanovich and director of TNCTTNM Khalikova Mohira Kundibaevna.
The main goal of cooperation is the development of the sphere of education and science, the effective use of scientific and innovative potential and the achievement of a qualitatively high level of professional education. The parties will establish cooperation in the areas of training and advanced training of teaching staff, as well as the publication of joint scientific and methodological literature and scientific articles. In particular, the center helps organize pre-defense dissertation internship for students and retraining of university teaching staff. In turn, the university will provide its material and technical base for conducting educational courses, master classes and other events for university students.
At the end of the event, confidence was expressed that this cooperation would be mutually beneficial, given the importance of training in the fields of pedagogy, andragogy, science, research and innovation.