Quality education

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Quality education

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Aholini roʻyxatga olishning tamoyillari

23 Oct 2024

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“Milliy qadriyatlar sayli”

23 Oct 2024

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Жайдари келин” спектакль намойиши тадбир иштирокчилари томонидан илиқ қарши олинди

21 Oct 2024

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Kimyo International University in Tashkent has started admitting applications for the Named Scholarships

19 Oct 2024

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The delegation was received by the founder of KIUT, Professor Alisher Vakhobov, and the rector Karimjon Akhmedjanov

18 Oct 2024

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On October 12 this year, the director of International Cooperation at Varna University in Bulgaria, Dr. Kristina Armutlieva, visited Kimyo International University in Tashkent

16 Oct 2024

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«Основы теории языка» в магистерских группах MRUS1 / MRUS2.

15 Oct 2024

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Rector of Necmettin Erbakan State University Dr. Cem Zorlu visited Kimyo International University in Tashkent

15 Oct 2024

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Kimyo International University Teachers Successfully Complete Erasmus+ Training in Lithuania

11 Oct 2024

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Вирусли гепатит “А“ – ўткир юқумли антропаноз касаллик бўлиб, касалликнинг қўзғатувчиси вируслардир

11 Oct 2024

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Kimyo International University in Tashkent is actively developing its educational programs in the field of fashion design, and one of the key tools in this process is the CLO 3D program

10 Oct 2024

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At the Tashkent International University of Chemistry, a meeting was held with Professor, Doctor of History, Director of the Institute of Psychology and Education of the Kazan Federal University Kalimullin Aidar Minimansurovich.

10 Oct 2024

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President of the international cultural association Progetto Angeli A.P.S, artist and designer Aida Abdullaeva visited Kimyo International University in Tashkent

09 Oct 2024

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Students and teachers of the Painting Department of International Kimyo University in Tashkent were inspired by a cultural trip to Italy and created a number of works

09 Oct 2024

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Aholini ro‘yxatga olishning bosqichlari

09 Oct 2024

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Cамарқанднинг тарихий жойларига экскурсия

08 Oct 2024

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Kimyo International University in Tashkent hosted Professor Moritz Florin, Head of the Department of Modern and East European History at Friedrich-Alexander University located in Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany

07 Oct 2024

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On September 30 this year, the head of the design department of European Design University Pescara, Mr. Angelo Bucci, and his deputy Mr. Luca Giuliano visited KIUT

07 Oct 2024

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философии (PhD) или доктора наук (DSc)

04 Oct 2024

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“Кексаларга ҳурмат – ёшларга ибрат”

03 Oct 2024

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Жадидлар: миллий ўзлик, истиқлол ва давлатчилик ғоялари мавзусида маърифий тадбир ўтказилди

03 Oct 2024

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Teachers of the Mechanical Engineering Department of Kimyo international university in Tashkent at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University in Lithuania

03 Oct 2024

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Students of Kimyo International University in Tashkent, studying in the programs of banking, finance and accounting, organized a trip to Samarkand to expand their knowledge and gain practical experience

02 Oct 2024

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Teachers and Mentors Day on topic "Our respect to you, dear teachers", was held at Kimyo International University in Tashkent

02 Oct 2024

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Teachers and Mentors Day!

02 Oct 2024

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Yesterday, at a fashion show organized by the initiative of the textile company “NUR TEX”, students of the Fashion Design faculty of Kimyo International University in Tashkent demonstrated their clothing collections

26 Sep 2024

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Today, September 24, an event full of heated intellectual debates took place on the Writers' Alley in Tashkent

24 Sep 2024

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Today, Kimyo International University in Tashkent hosted an introductory event dedicated to the 10-day internship program in China for students of Architecture and Urban Design faculty

24 Sep 2024

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с 1 июля по 23 августа 2024 г. проводилась Международная летняя школа русского языка для старших преподавателей кафедры русского языка Ташкентского международного университета Кимё

23 Sep 2024

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В Ташкентском международном университете Кимё состоялось мероприятие в рамках проекта «Встреча трёх поколений» на тему «Книга в моей жизни»

23 Sep 2024

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Students of Kimyo International University in Tashkent continue their education at the prestigious Varna University of Management in Bulgaria

21 Sep 2024

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Currently, 9 American students are studying at Kimyo International University in Tashkent (KIUT) under the student exchange program

21 Sep 2024

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On September 19 this year, the opening ceremony of the Global Exchange Support Center (GESC) was held at Kimyo International University in Tashkent

21 Sep 2024

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Students and teachers of the Information Systems Engineering faculty took part in the Huawei ICT Talent event

19 Sep 2024

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Cooperation in the field of education and production has always been important.

19 Sep 2024

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Practical classes for students majoring in Beauty Esthetics at Kimyo International University in Tashkent were organized in an interesting and informative format

18 Sep 2024

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One of our goals is to demonstrate these cultural values to guests from abroad and thereby attract foreign students to our country

18 Sep 2024

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"Financial Problems, Risks, Threats, and Their Solutions in the Context of Global Crises"

16 Sep 2024

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Qingdao University

13 Sep 2024

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Kimyo International University in Tashkent continues to expand the scope of international cooperation

11 Sep 2024

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Our university teachers have started actively participating in the trainings of the international project “SPHERE - Sustainable Transport within the Framework of Green Deal”

10 Sep 2024

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Huaqiao University and Kimyo International University in Tashkent discussed cooperation prospects.

10 Sep 2024

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The new 2024-2025 academic year has begun for full-time and evening students!

04 Sep 2024

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Cooperation between Kimyo International University in Tashkent and Japanese IT giant Cross Cat Co., Ltd.

30 Aug 2024

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Students of Kimyo International University in Tashkent are bound to China: a new stage of the joint "2+2" program with Huaqiao University

30 Aug 2024

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Uzbek - Japanese cooperation in education: Kimyo International University in Tashkent studies scientific achievements in Japan.

29 Aug 2024

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Dear applicants who have applied to the School of Medicine of our university!

28 Aug 2024

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Shahzod Yusupov is a student at Hanyang University in South Korea, who studied under the 2+2 program and successfully completed his educational path this semester

22 Aug 2024

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Members of the delegation headed by the founder of Kimyo International University Tashkent (KIUT) Alisher Vakhobov visited Busan National University (PNU) and met with President Choi Jae Weon

22 Aug 2024

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To attention of applicants applying for the medical faculties, you have a great opportunity!

20 Aug 2024

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Students of Kimyo International University in Tashkent successfully completed their studies in South Korea under the 2+2 program!

20 Aug 2024

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The qualification training program for professors and teachers of Kimyo International University in Tashkent which was held in Poland had come to an end

20 Aug 2024

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During the visit to South Korea, the delegation of Kimyo International University in Tashkent also visited the clinic of the National Chungbuk University

20 Aug 2024

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Kimyo International University in Tashkent and Chungbuk National University signed a memorandum of cooperation

20 Aug 2024

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Ro‘yxatga olish doirasida har bir shaxs va mamlakatning har bir uy xo‘jaligi to‘g‘risida ma’lumot to‘planadi

16 Aug 2024

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Marjonakhon Khamrayeva

15 Aug 2024

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On August 11, 2024, a delegation led by the founder of Kimyo International University in Tashkent, Prof. A. Vakhobov, made an official visit to Kookmin University, the first private and one of the most prestigious universities in South Korea

15 Aug 2024

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As is known, currently the delegation headed by the founder of Kimyo International University Tashkent, prof. A. Vakhobov, is on an official visit to South Korea. On August 9 of this year, the delegation members met with Mr. Kim Jae-hyun, Vice President o

13 Aug 2024

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An agreement was also reached on cooperation in developing such areas as "Fashion Design", "Beauty Aesthetics" and "Painting", which are part of KIUT School of Arts

10 Aug 2024

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The qualification training program for the teaching staff of Kimyo International University in Tashkent in Poland continues

09 Aug 2024

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Dear subscribers of our channel, The Department of Applied Informatics of the Kimyo International University in Tashkent hires Lecturers

07 Aug 2024

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To the attention of applicants who have applied for the School of Medicine!

31 Jul 2024

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⚡️Useful information! 👨🏻‍🎓Link to log in to your personal account:

29 Jul 2024

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Answers to frequently asked questions about the Master's programs at Kimyo International University in Tashkent:

25 Jul 2024

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Elbek Abdumannopov, a student of the Architecture and Urban Design faculty at Kimyo International University in Tashkent, is currently studying at Hanyang University in South Korea under the 2+2 joint program

25 Jul 2024

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Guests honored the memory of the late Janpolat Kudaybergenov, the first rector of Kimyo International University Tashkent.

19 Jul 2024

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As part of a joint program between Kimyo International University in Tashkent (KIUT) and Gachon University (South Korea), KIUT students will have the opportunity to study in South Korea

18 Jul 2024

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ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CBHE- Sustainable transportation within the framework of green deal (SPHERE)

18 Jul 2024

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Kimyo International University in Tashkent held a graduation ceremony

13 Jul 2024

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To the attention of students wishing to transfer to Kimyo International University Tashkent to continue their studies!

10 Jul 2024

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South Korea has one of the most advanced education systems in the world and is an attractive destination for many international students.

08 Jul 2024

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If you have applied for extramural form of education

08 Jul 2024

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Professors and teachers of the Architecture and Urban Design faculty are improving their qualifications at Karabuk University

04 Jul 2024

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"US Experience in Higher Engineering Education"

03 Jul 2024

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Pusan National University

02 Jul 2024

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Happy Youth Day!

28 Jun 2024

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If you had low academic performance in mathematics, physics and chemistry during your school years, it means that your language learning skills are more developed!

27 Jun 2024

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Huawei Seeds for the Future - 2023

26 Jun 2024

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Kimyo International University in Tashkent has Construction program and students of the faculty are currently undergoing industrial internship

25 Jun 2024

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“Quality Assurance for Reform and Transformation of Higher Educational Institutions in Uzbekistan”

20 Jun 2024

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"QUARTZ - Quality Assurance for Reform and Transformation of Higher Educational Institutions in Uzbekistan" was held

19 Jun 2024

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19 Jun 2024

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Students of the Painting faculty undergo summer internship. The Hermitage in St. Petersburg

19 Jun 2024

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On June 13, 2024 a delegation headed by the President of the Institute of Criminology and Justice of the Republic of Korea Tae-Hoon Ha visited Kimyo International University in Tashkent

14 Jun 2024

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Ro‘yxatga olish qanday tashkil qilinadi?

10 Jun 2024

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07 Jun 2024

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Senior students of Kimyo International University in Tashkent are demonstrating their knowledge and skills during the examinations.

05 Jun 2024

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The scholarship of Lotte Foundation (South Korea) was presented to students of the Faculty of Korean Philology

05 Jun 2024

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"Ona yurt fidoyilari" ("Patriots of the Motherland")

05 Jun 2024

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Regional Seeds for the Future - 2024

05 Jun 2024

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On May 31 of this year, an international scientific and practical conference on the topic...

03 Jun 2024

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31 May 2024

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«Қувноқлар ва зукколар» беллашуви натижалари!

28 May 2024

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Faculty of History

28 May 2024

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“Are you a creative person?”

27 May 2024

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To the attention of evening students and applicants!

27 May 2024

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On May 21 of this year, as part of the “Marifat ulashib” project, a cultural meeting was held at Kimyo International University in Tashkent

22 May 2024

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Karim Umirov is a senior teacher of the Painting department is

22 May 2024

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A memorandum of cooperation was signed between the Republican Specialized School of Arts named after P.P. Benkov and Kimyo International University in Tashkent

22 May 2024

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Combining Technology and Art: Innovative Solutions to Society's Problems

20 May 2024

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A festival dedicated to the culture of South Korea and Uzbekistan took place

19 May 2024

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Today, a delegation led by the President of Nagoya University of Economics, Mr. Haruo Saburi, visited Kimyo International University in Tashkent

18 May 2024

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“Beauty Without Borders”

16 May 2024

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A memorandum of cooperation was signed between George Fox University (USA) and Kimyo International University in Tashkent

15 May 2024

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A training course was organized by engineering teachers of Kimyo International University in Tashkent and was attended by invited engineering professors from the USA

15 May 2024

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“Progetto Angeli”

15 May 2024

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Professors from George Fox University (the USA) met with talented students of Kimyo International University in Tashkent.

15 May 2024

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Students of the Faculty of Primary Education, Preschool Education and Special Pedagogy

14 May 2024

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May 9 - Day of Remembrance and Honor

14 May 2024

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topic “Remembering the Jadids”

13 May 2024

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Aholini ro‘yxatga olish tadbiri qanday maqsadlarga xizmat qiladi?

13 May 2024

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Successful speaking club session with American Students

11 May 2024

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Job Fair

06 May 2024

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Information Systems Engineering

06 May 2024

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“Марказий Осиё халқларининг таомланиш маданияти ва тарихи”

04 May 2024

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INTI’s Master of Business Administration

01 May 2024

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“The most Active Reader of the Year”

30 Apr 2024

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Arm wrestling

26 Apr 2024

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The Department of Korean Philology of Kimyo International University in Tashkent held the annual festival of Korean culture “Quiz on Korea”

26 Apr 2024

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On April 21, the closing ceremony of the International Festival of Traditional Fine and Applied Arts took place in the Central Exhibition Hall

25 Apr 2024

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Zhejiang University of Science and Technology

24 Apr 2024

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Traffic Management

24 Apr 2024

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A football tournament was held dedicated to the blessed memory of the late Professor Janpolat Shamuratovich Kudaybergenov, the first rector of Kimyo International University in Tashkent

23 Apr 2024

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The working trip of the founder of Kimyo International University in Tashkent, DSc., prof. A. Vakhobov, acting rector of the university, DSc., prof. K. Akhmedjanov and the head of the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Design K. Saidov to Japan

23 Apr 2024

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18 Apr 2024

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“Banking and Accounting”

18 Apr 2024

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“Quiz on Korea”

18 Apr 2024

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On obtaining a certificate of conformity of the quality management system ISO 9001:2015.

18 Apr 2024

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A new opportunity for students of Kimyo International University in Tashkent: you can now study in Australia under joint educational programs!

17 Apr 2024

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Dear parents and applicants!

15 Apr 2024

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On April 9, an event dedicated to the 688th anniversary of the birth of Sahibqiran Amir Temur was held at the Kimyo International University in Tashkent

13 Apr 2024

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“I am fascinated by your beauty, My spring!”

13 Apr 2024

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A scientific school in the field of Translation studies is being formed at Kimyo International University in Tashkent

13 Apr 2024

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Plov and samsa are very popular and favorite dishes in Uzbekistan. Both of them are an integral part of Uzbek culture and hospitality

09 Apr 2024

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“The Personality of Amir Temur in Modern Research.”

09 Apr 2024

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Regular dissertation defenses were held at the Academic Council for Awarding Academic Degrees at Kimyo International University Tashkent.

04 Apr 2024

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What do I need to do to study at our partner universities in South Korea on a grant or a scholarship?

04 Apr 2024

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A step towards global scientific cooperation – participation of the delegation of our university in the Erasmus+ program in Bulgaria

04 Apr 2024

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01 Apr 2024

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A healthy lifestyle includes not only physical health, but also mental, social and economic well-being

29 Mar 2024

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Admission to Kimyo International University in Tashkent for the 2024-2025 academic year is open

27 Mar 2024

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Is the university awarded degree recognized in Uzbekistan?

27 Mar 2024

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Aholini ro‘yxatga olishning asosiy maqsadi mamlakatning ijtimoiy-iqtisodiy rivojlanish

25 Mar 2024

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"Food culture and history of the peoples of Central Asia"

25 Mar 2024

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Alejandro Pastrana Molero, CEO of the Spanish advertising and consulting company Gedepsa, visited Kimyo International University in Tashkent

15 Mar 2024

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The main secrets of success are hard work, self-development and effective communication with people. Erin Mulder

15 Mar 2024

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"Issues of language and translation" on April 18, 2024

15 Mar 2024

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“Innovative learning and teaching in various areas through 21st century skills in digital era” on April 20, 2024

15 Mar 2024

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"Relevant Issues of Teaching Methods in Social-Humanitarian Disciplines"

15 Mar 2024

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Cooperation between Kimyo International University inTashkent and Korean Educational Center has reached a new level

13 Mar 2024

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Student of Kimyo International University in Tashkent will go on an educational tour to China

13 Mar 2024

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Do you want to know more about the public life and career of Kudaybergenov Janpolat Shamuratovich, rector of the first private higher educational institution in Uzbekistan?

12 Mar 2024

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“Queen of Spring”

07 Mar 2024

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International Women's Day is celebrated every year on March 8th

06 Mar 2024

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New tutorial

04 Mar 2024

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The “Kindness and Support” campaign was held at Kimyo International University in Tashkent

04 Mar 2024

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04 Mar 2024

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Demonstration of student clothing collections

01 Mar 2024

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A concert program of the “Bravo” orchestra was organized for students of Kimyo International University in Tashkent

26 Feb 2024

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Rector of Prague Institute of Management and Technology prof. Umar Burkhanov and Vice-Rector for International Cooperation prof. Alexander Skrebeinko visited Kimyo International University in Tashkent on a working visit

23 Feb 2024

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The visit of Professor Piotr Olaf Żylicz, Vice-Rector of WSB-Merito University in Poznan

22 Feb 2024

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Yesterday, the general manager for admissions of the Riga Technical University (RTU), prof. Elina Norsiyese and director of the Riga University Business School prof. Jolanta Jurevisa visited Kimyo International University in Tashkent

22 Feb 2024

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Cooperation between the Japanese international consulting company ASIBIZ LIMITED LLC and Kimyo International University in Tashkent - new opportunities for the future of students

22 Feb 2024

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At Kimyo International University in Tashkent, an opportunity was created for students to demonstrate their skills in the field of cybersports

21 Feb 2024

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21 Feb 2024

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Aholini ro‘yxatga olishda maxfiylik va xavfsizlik choralari

21 Feb 2024

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Dear first-year master's program and final year bachelor’s program students of the university!

17 Feb 2024

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An introductory tour of the university was organized for graduates of “Vosiq International School and Kindergarten”

16 Feb 2024

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On February 15, 2024 at 12:00, with the participation of 2nd year students of the “Primary Education” department, a spiritual and educational event “Great ancestors - eternal life” was organized

16 Feb 2024

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Tavakalov Ulugbek, Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSCB Tenge Bank, gave a guest lecture to Banking, Finance and Accounting students of Kimyo International University in Tashkent

16 Feb 2024

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Today, a round table was held at Kimyo International University in Tashkent on the topic “Women on the path of science: a look into the future.”

14 Feb 2024

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The rector of Belarusian Polytechnic Institute, Igor Vitalievich Voitov, visited the Kimyo International University in Tashkent

12 Feb 2024

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New opportunities for future generations: cooperation between Kimyo International University in Tashkent and public schools in our capital city

08 Feb 2024

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Our representatives took part in the Arab Health - 2024 exhibition, which is considered the second largest healthcare exhibition in the world and the largest in the Middle East

07 Feb 2024

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“Students – Scientific Researchers: Views and Prospects”

07 Feb 2024

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A scholarship named after Janpolat Kudaybergenov will be established at Kimyo International University in Tashkent

06 Feb 2024

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State scholarship laureates and Olympiad winners were awarded

06 Feb 2024

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Anne-Charlotte Marcombe, one of the foreign teachers at Kimyo International University in Tashkent, made a presentation at the international conference “Regional Development: Trends, Risks and Strategies.”

02 Feb 2024

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The defense took place at the Academic Council for Awarding Academic Degrees at Kimyo International University in Tashkent

01 Feb 2024

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Republic of Belarus

01 Feb 2024

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A memorandum of cooperation was concluded between Tashkent National Center for Teacher Training in New Methods and Kimyo International University in Tashkent

30 Jan 2024

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Short-term advanced training courses for teaching staff in the preschool education system were organized by the teaching staff of the South Korean Dong-Eui University.

29 Jan 2024

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Congratulations to the winners of the International Olympiad in Medicine!

29 Jan 2024

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The advantage of internship programs is that graduate and undergraduate students of the university can undergo scientific and pedagogical practice, that is, an internship in their specialty

29 Jan 2024

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January 26, today is the birthday of the acting rector of Kimyo International University in Tashkent, professor Akhmedjanov Karimjon Bakidjanovich

26 Jan 2024

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A “Young Architect” competition was held among 2nd year students on the topic “Project of small architectural forms in a closed space.”

18 Jan 2024

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Bowling is a light physical activity

17 Jan 2024

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The university delegation visited Turkey

17 Jan 2024

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17 Jan 2024

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Defending the Motherland is an honorable and sacred duty!

12 Jan 2024

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Huawei Tech4Good

12 Jan 2024

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What do you need to do to study fashion design in Milan, Italy and receive a scholarship of 5000 euros per month?

12 Jan 2024

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Three professors of Kimyo International University in Tashkent were accepted as full members into the American Economic Association

11 Jan 2024

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A few important reminders before the exam for 1st and 2nd year students of the extramural department!

11 Jan 2024

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Teachers of the Samarkand branch of Kimyo International University in Tashkent are undergoing qualification training in Spain and China

11 Jan 2024

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Aholini ro'yxatga olish ishlari

08 Jan 2024

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Dear club members of “Zakovat”!

04 Jan 2024

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Dear teachers, parents and esteemed students!

31 Dec 2023

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A memorandum of cooperation was signed between Bildung und beruf GmbH language school, Lingua VIVA Sprachschule (Kempten, Germany) and Kimyo International University in Tashkent

29 Dec 2023

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Strengthening unity and will through sports or a student football championship

19 Dec 2023

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The IV International Olympiad for students of medical universities "Samarkand 2020" was held at the Samarkand State Medical University

19 Dec 2023

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Fashion Design faculty

18 Dec 2023

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Professor Dodiyev Fozil Utkurovich

18 Dec 2023

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The next defense took place at the Academic Council for Awarding Academic Degrees at Kimyo International University in Tashkent

14 Dec 2023

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Armwrestling Federation

14 Dec 2023

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South Korea

12 Dec 2023

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Partnership relations have been established with the University of Missouri, one of the top 50 universities in the United States and the top 500 universities in the world

07 Dec 2023

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Kakharova Malika Ravshan kizi

07 Dec 2023

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07 Dec 2023

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Under the initiative of Umirov Karim, an exhibition of art works by students of the Faculty of Painting was held at the Republican Specialized Art School named after P. Benkov

06 Dec 2023

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First aid training class was organized for students of Leader children's school at Kimyo University Hospital clinic

05 Dec 2023

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Department of Methodology of Preschool and Primary Education

05 Dec 2023

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A delegation of Kimyo International University in Tashkent paid an official visit to Roosevelt University

04 Dec 2023

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Members of the delegation of Necmettin Erbakan University (NEU) got acquainted with the activities of Kimyo University Hospital

29 Nov 2023

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Daegu University

29 Nov 2023

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Necmettin Erbakan University

29 Nov 2023

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Hyundai Elevator and Hyundai Movex visited Kimyo International University in Tashkent

28 Nov 2023

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Zamira Ibragimova is a favorite children's writer

28 Nov 2023

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The founder of Kimyo International University in Tashkent, professor Alisher Vakhobov, as part of his official visit to Hanyang University, South Korea, met with KIUT students studying under the “2+2” program

25 Nov 2023

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On November 21 of this year, at the invitation of the President of Hanyang University, South Korea, Mr. Lee Ki-jeong, the founder of Kimyo International University in Tashkent Alisher Vakhobov left for Korea on an official visit

25 Nov 2023

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Vosiq International School

22 Nov 2023

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Yesterday graduating class students of Vosiq International School and Kindergarten visited Kimyo International University in Tashkent

21 Nov 2023

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BasQosu - Summit of Rectors of Higher Education Institutions 11/17/2023

17 Nov 2023

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A chess tournament was held at Kimyo International University in Tashkent

16 Nov 2023

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Central Asia+ Rector's Club

13 Nov 2023

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Sports are a great stress reliever for students

13 Nov 2023

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Great news for full-time, evening and Master’s degree program students

09 Nov 2023

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03 Nov 2023

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“Words spoken with fingers”

02 Nov 2023

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As you know in early August, the management of Kimyo International University in Tashkent paid a working visit to Australia

26 Oct 2023

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Students of the History faculty of Kimyo International University in Tashkent are in Bishkek

26 Oct 2023

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“Language is a state symbol and the soul of the nation”

20 Oct 2023

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Professor Gary Yee Ott, who arrived from the United States of America, gives a lecture to medical students studying in English

20 Oct 2023

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“You are my pride, my mother tongue”

18 Oct 2023

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On October 13, 2023, the international conference “Digital technologies in history education: experience and prospects” was held at Kimyo International University in Tashkent

17 Oct 2023

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Kimyo University Hospital

16 Oct 2023

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A memorandum of cooperation was signed between the Hilton Tashkent City hotel and Kimyo International University in Tashkent

10 Oct 2023

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The International Festival of Best Practices in Teaching the Russian Language in Pedagogical Universities of the CIS Countries took place in Moscow

09 Oct 2023

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So'qoq O'rmoniga Sayohat!

29 Sep 2023

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Universities received “reporter” status in The Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2024

28 Sep 2023

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Another victory by our students of the Department of Medical and Biological Sciences!

27 Sep 2023

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Conference program

21 Sep 2023

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21 Sep 2023

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Visiting Professor Xu Ming from China lectured students on topics related to quality management, service management, innovation and entrepreneurship, and marketing

20 Sep 2023

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The rector of Kimyo International University in Tashkent Janpolat Kudaybergenov, the dean of the Faculty of Korean Philology Kim Yun Hoe and the head of the department Durdona Ergasheva took part in a ceremony organized as part of the “2023 Korea week”

20 Sep 2023

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A press tour was organized for regional journalists and bloggers at the Namangan branch of Kimyo International University in Tashkent

19 Sep 2023

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A lecture on history was organized for students from the USA who came to Kimyo International University in Tashkent under the student exchange program

19 Sep 2023

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Educational grant

15 Sep 2023

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The electronic scientific journal “Central Asian Journal of STEM” was included in the list of scientific journals in technical sciences recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission

15 Sep 2023

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The list of documents that must be submitted by applicants for admission to the independent competition for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) at the Kimyo in international university in Tashkent

15 Sep 2023

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The team of our student Oleg Pak won the regional #TECH4GOOD competition in Dubai

15 Sep 2023

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The long-awaited opening of a modern laboratory for Architecture and Construction faculty took place

12 Sep 2023

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Cooperation between Kimyo International University in Tashkent and South Korean universities in the area of joint programs is strengthening

12 Sep 2023

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Our student is traveling from Qatar to Dubai

12 Sep 2023

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Our student Taniberdiyev Mukhlisbek took part in the international competition of scientific papers and articles organized by the Academy of Education and Upbringing of the Russian Federation

09 Sep 2023

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QS World University Ranking has published its 20th anniversary ranking of the best universities in the world

08 Sep 2023

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The internship opportunities for our students in leading companies in Japan were discussed.

08 Sep 2023

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Information students need to know!

08 Sep 2023

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Useful information

07 Sep 2023

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Great news for students of Beauty Aesthetics program!

06 Sep 2023

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Today, as part of the opening ceremony of the forum for international cooperation between China (Shandong) and Uzbekistan and events held in honor of the decade of the «One Belt, One Road» initiative, a memorandum was signed with one of the largest corpor

05 Sep 2023

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04 Sep 2023

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Dear compatriots!

31 Aug 2023

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Extramural form of education has been opened in all programs of the School of Engineering

31 Aug 2023

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A student of Kimyo International University in Tashkent is heading to Qatar to participate in the "Seeds for the Future" educational project

30 Aug 2023

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🇦🇺/🇺🇿 The founder of Kimyo International University in Tashkent, A. Vakhobov, and the rector of the university, J. Kudaybergenov, are currently on an official visit to Australia

23 Aug 2023

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Another good news for applicants!

21 Aug 2023

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Partnership with Energy Exemplar

18 Aug 2023

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Cooperation between Kimyo International University in Tashkent and Korea Lift University

18 Aug 2023

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Exams have begun!

16 Aug 2023

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Job vacancy!

15 Aug 2023

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Dear applicants of the directions - Fashion Design, Painting, Architecture and Urban Planning, English education and Translation studies!

14 Aug 2023

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Ability to attract attention of students during a lesson as well as to form their love for a subject and science depends on teacher’s skills

10 Aug 2023

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The head of the Tourism Department became the winner of a scholarship

04 Aug 2023

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The results of the Erasmus + 2023 project proposals competition have been announced

04 Aug 2023

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The conference will be held

01 Aug 2023

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A number of projects have been developed

31 Jul 2023

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A 60-hour training session was held at Karabük University in Turkey for professors and researchers of the Kimyo International University in Tashkent

27 Jul 2023

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New Bachelor's program in Space Technology

26 Jul 2023

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Оur students participated in the “Grand Fashion Week” in Paris

21 Jul 2023

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Kimyo International University in Tashkent is hiring a dispatcher to the Department of Extramural Education

20 Jul 2023

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The winner of the competition from Huawei was announced as part of the "Seeds for the Future" project

20 Jul 2023

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Аlumni and joint programs

19 Jul 2023

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Digital Technologies in Historical Education: International Experience and Prospects

18 Jul 2023

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Are there any grants for the 1st year students at Kimyo International University in Tashkent?

17 Jul 2023

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Graduation ceremony held at Kimyo International University in Tashkent

12 Jul 2023

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GRANTS for talented and gifted students applying to the School of Engineering!

07 Jul 2023

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The Department of Translation Theory and Practice of Kimyo International University in Tashkent signed a memorandum with the Huachiao University of Language and Culture of the People's Republic of China

06 Jul 2023

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Today, the Assembly of Economy of Uzbekistan was visited by a delegation led by a representative of the leadership of the PRC, a member of the party I Xong Da

05 Jul 2023

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Our bachelor degree programs are divided into 5 main schools

03 Jul 2023

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Yesterday, a delegation headed by the Chairman of the Board of Satbayev University, Rector Meiram Begentaev visited the university

26 Jun 2023

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With the aim of a deeper study of the Korean language and culture, the “Quiz on Korea” contest is held annually at Kimyo Tashkent International University

26 Jun 2023

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The first defense was held at the Scientific Council for awarding academic degrees at the Kimyo Tashkent International University

23 Jun 2023

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Representatives of the Chinese company Pui Pan International Education Technology Co., Ltd visited Kimyo International University in Tashkent

22 Jun 2023

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Marriott International is hiring graduates of Tourism, Marketing and Finance faculties to its pre-opening hotels St. Regis Red Sea & Nujuma and The Ritz-Carlton Reserve

20 Jun 2023

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In our branches in the cities of Samarkand and Namangan, the admission to the Bachelor’s program of Painting continues!

20 Jun 2023

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Today, the delegation on a working visit to South Korea met with a group of representatives headed by the rector of Daegu University, Soon-Jin Park

15 Jun 2023

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Kimyo International University in Tashkent and Grand Mir Hotel signed a memorandum of cooperation

14 Jun 2023

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The business trip of the representatives of Kimyo International University in Tashkent to South Korea continues

13 Jun 2023

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These days, a meeting of rectors of the Central Asian universities is taking place in Almaty, Kazakhstan. At the "Rectors’ club" meeting

13 Jun 2023

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From today onwards, applications to Kimyo International University in Tashkent will also be accepted offline

12 Jun 2023

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Yesterday a meeting with the management of Gachon University was held

12 Jun 2023

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A meeting was held today with the management of Hanyang University

12 Jun 2023

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Today, the President of the Gifu College of the National Research Institute of Japan, Prof. Itsuno Shinichi paid an official visit to Kimyo International University in Tashkent

07 Jun 2023

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On June 6, the Association of Consulting Engineers of Uzbekistan, together with UNOPS, organized a seminar "Introducing the United Nations Global Market - Exploring Current and Future Business Opportunities"

07 Jun 2023

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Currently, the founder of Kimyo International University in Tashkent, A. Vakhobov, is on a working visit to the Czech Republic

06 Jun 2023

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Today at Kimyo International University in Tashkent, together with Almaty Management University (Kazakhstan), an international conference was held on the topic "Management education for sustainable development of Central Asia"

06 Jun 2023

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“The Digital Economy and Industry Integration under the Global Initiative” conference in Beijing

05 Jun 2023

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The first edition of the collection of works "Kimyo Arirang"

02 Jun 2023

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Exam for doctoral students and independent researchers took place

02 Jun 2023

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Hurmatli talabalar diqqatiga,Universitetning ichki  tartib-qoidalarida koʻrsatilgan ayrim moddalarini sizlarga eslatib oʻtmoqchimiz

31 May 2023

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The Namangan branch of the Kimyo International University in Tashkent hosted the “KIUT Olympiad” for graduates of the Ferghana valley schools

31 May 2023

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Organization of IELTS exams at a high level

30 May 2023

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Has your cooperation with South Korea ended due to the change of the name of the Yeoju Technical Institute in Tashkent?

30 May 2023

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The “FINANCIAL BATTLE” was held among the 2nd year students of the faculties “Banking” and “Finance” at the Department of “Finance” of Kimyo International University in Tashkent

23 May 2023

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The first programs of the school of engineering that received the European quality label for engineering degree programs EUR-ACSchool of Engineering that receiv

22 May 2023

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