
“France International Graduate School (FIGS Education)


On March 17, 2025, the delegation of Kimyo International University in Tashkent (KIUT), visited the France International Graduate School (FIGS Education) association in Paris. During the meeting, discussions were held on the friendly relations between Uzbekistan and France, prospects for bilateral cooperation, existing academic opportunities, and the exchange of experience in the field of education.

The event was opened with a welcome speech by Roger Serre, President of FIGS Education.
KIUT Rector Karimjon Akhmedjanov presented the university’s academic achievements and research potential. Emeric Abrignani, Director of FIGS Education, provided insights into FIGS’ educational opportunities and cooperation programs.

FIGS Education coordinates the educational and scientific activities of 17 educational institutions in France, covering various fields, including:
 • IET – Information Technology
 • 3A – Business
 • IGEFI – Accounting and Finance
 • IHEDREA – Agrarian Sector and Agromanagement
 • IEFT – Tourism Management
 • ESAIL – Interior Design and Architecture
 • IFAG – Business Management and Human Resources
 • SUP’DE COM – Communication and Marketing
 • CEFAM – International Management
 • EPSI – Information Systems and Computing
 • WIS – Digital Innovations
 • IDRAC – Business
 • ILERI – International Relations and Political Science
 • ESMD – International Law
 • HESCA – International Business and Insurance
 • VIVA MUNDI – International Languages

Discussion on Cooperation Opportunities

One of the key parts of the meeting was a discussion on cooperation opportunities, with participation from representatives of Kimyo International University in Tashkent (KIUT):
 • Acting Rector Karimjon Akhmedjanov
 • Head of the “Mechanical Engineering Technology” Department Akmal Rustamov
 • Head of the “Finance” Department Shohjahon Elmurodov
 • Head of the Education Quality Control Department Mavluda Abdujamilova

On behalf of FIGS Education, the following representatives attended:
 • Roger Serre, President of FIGS Education
 • Emeric Abrignani, Director of FIGS Education
 • Jean-Marie Cambacérès, Representative for Diplomatic Relations
 • Ayse Imran, Coordinator for International Programs
 • Olivier Grouselle & Philippe Brugeilles, Representatives of IDRAC
 • Khaoula Guerguez, Representative of EPSI
 • Enora Palaric, Representative of ILERI
 • Tomas Legrain, Development Officer

Signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

During the meeting, KIUT and FIGS Education officially signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), which includes cooperation in the following areas:

➢ Student Exchange Programs
➢ Joint Degree Programs
➢ Double Degree Programs
➢ Short-Term Courses for Students
➢ Faculty Exchange
➢ Joint Research Projects
➢ Faculty Development and Training Programs
➢ International Conferences & Forums

Campus Tour and Future Plans

Following the formal session, the KIUT delegation was introduced to the FIGS Education campus, and a networking lunch was organized. During this session, both parties discussed their future cooperation plans.

This visit marks an important step in strengthening international cooperation between KIUT and FIGS Education, creating new and effective opportunities for students and faculty members.