Kimyo International University in Tashkent implements grant programs to further expand educational opportunities and support talented students
Kimyo International University in Tashkent implements grant programs to further expand educational opportunities and support talented students. These grants are intended not only for gifted students, but also for students experiencing financial difficulties.
The university's grant programs cover the following areas:
Founders' Grant: This grant is awarded to 240 students in recognition of the efforts of people who have contributed to the development of the university.
Named Grants: These grants were allocated to 15 students in memory of economist Akhmadjon Ulmasov, academician Murad Sharifkhodjaev and the first rector of the university Janpolat Kudaybergenov.
Through these grants, the university expresses its gratitude to people who have made a huge input to the development of science.
State Grants: Allocated to 20 engineering students.
Students of the Namangan branch of the university also became laureates of named grants. This promotes healthy competition and motivation for success among the branches of the university.
Grant programs for gifted students create conditions that allow them to fully focus on their research and study.
Students with limited financial capacity will have access to higher education.
The academic and scientific potential of the university will continue to grow.
Kimyo International University in Tashkent provides its students with unique opportunities not only at the national but also at the international level. As part of a global educational partnership, South Korea's Sungshin Women's University provided a 100 percent grant to two students.
These university initiatives serve to prepare highly qualified specialists for our country, as well as to promote high values.