
New opportunities for future generations: cooperation between Kimyo International University in Tashkent and public schools in our capital city

New opportunities for future generations: cooperation between Kimyo International University in Tashkent and public schools in our capital city.

Cooperation between schools and universities improves the social integration of students and pupils. University students can work in schools and also help students improve their skills in various disciplines, which increases the students' sense of social responsibility. Universities can provide special programs and courses for schoolchildren that can help them prepare for university life and give them clearer direction in choosing a future career.

Today, a seminar was organized at Kimyo International University in Tashkent in order to establish cooperation in the educational, methodological, spiritual and educational processes of students of the Faculty of Primary Education, in particular, to organize pre-diploma qualification internship. It was attended by the heads of the district administration for the development of school education and the heads of a number of public schools and private educational institutions. During the meeting, an exchange of views took place on ensuring the continuity of science and practice, proposals were expressed on issues of organizing the internship of university students in these educational organizations. As a result of the seminar, memorandums of mutual cooperation were signed between the parties.

In conclusion, we can note that cooperation between schools and universities plays an important role in improving the quality of the education system, increasing the level of knowledge of students and pupils, and preparing them for future professional activities. The successful implementation of this partnership will create new opportunities in the education system and provide better education for future generations.