Official warning
#official warning
To the attention of student bloggers who have a channel or page on social networks using the name of the Yeoju Technical Institute in Tashkent (including abbreviated ytit, yt.)!
According to the certificate issued by the Intellectual Property Agency under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan, you are not recommended to keep channels or pages on social networks without the permission of the institute using the name and official sign (logo) of the institute.
We would like to warn you that for copyright infringement you can be brought to administrative responsibility by the Intellectual Property Agency.
You have the right to keep your personal channels and pages on social networks without associating them with the name and official sign of the institute.
For reference: According to article 177 of the Code of Administrative Responsibility of the Republic of Uzbekistan, illegal use of someone else's trademark, service mark, appellation of origin or similar misleading signs in relation to such goods (services) or illegal conduct of activities on behalf of someone else's enterprise entails the imposition of a fine in the amount of five to ten times the base value of the calculation for citizens and from ten to twenty times the size for officials.