
Rector of Necmettin Erbakan State University Dr. Cem Zorlu visited Kimyo International University in Tashkent

On October 10 this year, a delegation led by Rector of Necmettin Erbakan State University Dr. Cem Zorlu visited Kimyo International University in Tashkent (KIUT). The members of the delegation were welcomed by KIUT founder Alisher Vakhobov and Rector Karimjon Akhmedjanov. New prospects for mutual cooperation were discussed at the meeting.

In particular, special attention was paid to the issues of expanding international relations in the field of education, developing cooperation in the field of scientific research and innovative projects.

The guests got acquainted with the KIUT clinic and medical faculties, and were interested in the organization of training and practice in this area.

Dr. Cem Zorlu also gave valuable information to KIUT students about the rapidly changing global trends in education and science. He noted that cooperation between international universities not only improves the quality of education, but also plays an important role in preparing future successful personnel.

Following the visit, an agreement was reached between Kimyo International University in Tashkent and Necmettin Erbakan State University to strengthen cooperation, implement new joint projects and initiatives. The provisions of the memorandum of cooperation dated October 4, 2022 were also updated.