The founder of Kimyo International University in Tashkent, professor Alisher Vakhobov, as part of his official visit to Hanyang University, South Korea, met with KIUT students studying under the “2+2” program
The founder of Kimyo International University in Tashkent, professor Alisher Vakhobov, as part of his official visit to Hanyang University, South Korea, met with KIUT students studying under the “2+2” program.
The new generation of Uzbekistan, the country of great thinkers, is still demonstrating to the world their deep knowledge and potential.
As is known it is difficult to find own path and succeed abroad.
The meeting of professor Alisher Vakhobov with our students brought great joy, and he urged young people to use the modern knowledge and experience that they are gaining now for the development of our country.
During the meeting, professor Alisher Vakhobov got acquainted with the conditions created for the living and studying of students. The problems faced by students were also discussed. The university emphasized that it is always ready to support and encourage students in every possible way.
Also during the dialogue, professor Alisher Vakhobov told students about KIUT’s future plans and strategic goals.
At the end of the meeting, professor Alisher Vakhobov wished the students strong health, good luck and success in their studies.