
The qualification training program for professors and teachers of Kimyo International University in Tashkent which was held in Poland had come to an end

Today, August 19, the advanced training program for professors of our university, which was organized at WSB Merito University in Warsaw, on the topic "Modern Teaching Methods", ended. Let us remind you that in the program, 40 of our teachers underwent advanced training in the following specialties: Russian language, exact sciences, social and humanitarian sciences, information technology, applied computer science, preschool and primary education, pedagogy and psychology, history. The delegation was coordinated by the head of the Partnership Development department, Miryakub Mirzakhmedov. The 144-hour course was conducted by specialists from Poland and other leading European countries and was aimed at improving the theoretical and practical knowledge of our teaching staff on their specialties.

The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the Republic of Poland Amirsaid Agzamkhodjaev took part in the official closing ceremony of the program. In his speech, His Excellency the Ambassador sincerely congratulated the participants and organizers of the program on the successful completion of this project. He noted that Poland is a strategic partner of Uzbekistan in Europe and that such exchange programs for professors, teachers and students should be implemented more often in the future. He also expressed readiness of the Embassy to provide appropriate assistance in this regard. The head of the WSB Merito – Warsaw University, prof. Piotr Olaf Żylicz also emphasized that this international qualification program was aimed at achieving comprehensive goals and gave the expected positive result. At the same time, he expressed confidence that the project will serve the further development of international cooperation in the field of education between Uzbekistan and Poland. In turn, Miryakub Mirzakhmedov, on behalf of the leadership of Kimyo International University in Tashkent, sincerely thanked the Embassy team headed by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the Republic of Poland, the leadership of the WSB Merito – Warsaw University, and all other organizers of the program. He emphasized that the acquired knowledge, qualifications and skills in the field of teaching methods and technologies will serve to improve the quality of education at Kimyo International University Tashkent. Following the event, the program participants were awarded international certificates.