The working trip of the founder of Kimyo International University in Tashkent, DSc., prof. A. Vakhobov, acting rector of the university, DSc., prof. K. Akhmedjanov and the head of the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Design K. Saidov to Japan
The working trip of the founder of Kimyo International University in Tashkent, DSc., prof. A. Vakhobov, acting rector of the university, DSc., prof. K. Akhmedjanov and the head of the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Design K. Saidov to Japan.
Today the delegation visited NORITSUISU - one of the largest, most prestigious and world-standard companies with almost a century of experience, based in Nagoya, which specializes in the production of various high-quality furniture.
The purpose of the visit is to organize mutually beneficial projects, as well as to provide university students with the opportunity to undergo an internship in this company and improve their knowledge at the level of Japanese standards.
Soon, our university can be supplied with comfortable furniture, which meets the requirements of world standards JIS.S, ISO as well as national state standards.