Course description
The process of recording, categorizing, and compiling financial transactions is known as accounting. It entails devising financial statements that show the financial situation of the company, such as the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement. In addition to calculating taxes due, accounting encompasses producing reports for various stakeholders, such as creditors, investors, and governmental organizations. For this reason, higher education institutions have a high demand for this field of study.
Purpose of the program
The main goal of the program is to train professionals in the development and use of theoretical and practical knowledge acquired in different courses in the field of financial accounting, managerial accounting, public finance, corporate finance and personal finance.
As well as:
- to provide students with knowledge of the theoretical, legal, organizational basis of public and corporate accounting and financial management and analysis;
- to prepare students to become highly qualified economists, managers, and accountants to develop skills and competencies in the main areas of current national and international accounting and financial policies;
- to develop students’ analytical and critical thinking skills so that they can find appropriate solutions to the current financial and managerial issues in the economy;
- to encourage students to apply the acquired skills and knowledge in current practical activities;
- to develop the need for life-long learning and personal development;
The Accounting curriculum encompasses courses from principles of accounting to financial analysis. Students become familiar with national and international accounting principles and practices. During the program, students study managerial and financial accounting. At the end of their studies, undergraduates will be able to analyze financial statements of enterprises and work on research projects.
Learning content
Mathematical foundation – 15 %
Accounting related subjects – 44%
Economic subjects – 21%
Language and General subjects – 15%
Internship and bachelor thesis – 5%
Career opportunities
Graduates can successfully work in public and private sectors as accountants, managers, financier, financial manager, business analysts, CFO, business consultants, tax officers.
With the bachelor’s degree in Accounting, specialists are always in demand in several industries, including public agencies and private organizations. Accounting specialists collect data analyze the collected data and report. According to the results they can allocate the budget efficiently, form the capital effectively, minimize the costs and maximize the profit. Moreover, they determine most profitable investment opportunities with the highest internal rate of returns.
Employment opportunities:
Public accounting companies
Private companies
State bodies
Non-profit organizations
Healthcare organizations
Financial institutions
Educational institutions
Production enterprises
Retail businesses
Technology companies
Accountants can also work in a variety of roles, including
Tax accountant
Management accountant
Financial analyst
Cost accountant
Entrance exams in the direction of "Accounting" are held in the form of testing in the subjects: mathematics and English. However, applicants with an IELTS certificate of at least 5.5 are exempted from taking the entrance exam in English and the maximum score in this subject will be inserted.
Also, after entering the university, “Accounting” students will be able to choose the language of the form of study (English, Russian or Uzbek).