Pre-school and primary education are of great importance in the formation of a harmoniously developed personality, since the knowledge and values instilled in a child at this age determine his entire subsequent life. In order to improve the system of pre-school and primary education and provide institutions of pre-school and primary education with qualified personnel at the Kimyo Tashkent International University, from the 2019-2020 academic year, the undergraduate directions "Primary education" and "Preschool education" were opened and on August 3, 2021, by order of the rector of the university, the department "Methods of preschool and primary education" was created. From the 2022-2023 academic year, the admission of the undergraduate program "Special Pedagogy" has begun.
The department organizes the educational process for the training of undergraduate and graduate specialists, as well as coordinates the scientific and methodological work of the members of the department. 3 free applicants of the department are conducting scientific work to optimize the educational process in the preschool and elementary school.
Curricula of subjects are developed on the basis of studying the experience of leading foreign countries, at the same time they comply with the state standards of the Republic of Uzbekistan. During classes, students are instilled with love for their future profession, they have the opportunity to get acquainted with the profession on the basis of experimental research sites: specialized secondary school No. 300, Vosiq international school and Kindergarden, Leader School in Tashkent. With them, on the basis of mutual agreement, "Master classes", open classes are held and pedagogical practice of students is organized.
The department cooperates on the basis of a memorandum with the "Republican Education Center" on the creation and improvement of educational and methodological literature for preschool, special and primary levels of the continuous education system.
Starting from the 2022-2023 academic year, the department has been training personnel in the master's specialties "Theory and Methods of Preschool Education" and "Theory and Methods of Primary Education".
Internal number of the department: ( 155 )
Head of the department, Doctor of Philosophy in pedagogical sciences, has 10 years of scientific and pedagogical work experience. 2016- the winner of the "Innovative Ideas" regional exhibition and the Republican youth competition. In 2017, she was the winner of the "Most Skilled Primary School Teacher" nomination at the university level of the "Stars of Science" 4th Republican intellectual competition held by the "Olima" Association of Women and Girls of Uzbekistan. In 2018, the winner of the 1st Republican competition of the 100 best innovative projects of women of Uzbekistan held by the Women's Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan "Inventor Women" in the nomination "The Best Program and Database Created for Computer". In 2022, she defended her PhD thesis on the topic "Methods of Developing Creative Thinking of Primary School Students in Technology Lessons". She has published more than 50 scientific works, including 1 electronic textbook, 1 electronic manual, 1 training manual, 3 methodical manuals; author of more than 40 scientific and methodical articles.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Methods of Preschool and Primary Education department, she has 40 years of experience in the scientific and pedagogical activity. The main direction in the speciality is Mathematics and the methodology of its teaching in primary grades. She teaches courses on Methods of Teaching Mathematics in Primary School for Bachelor degree students, Theory of Subjects in Primary Education, and Methods of Teaching Speciality Disciplines for Master's degree students. In 1995 she defended her PhD thesis on the topic "Formation of Economic and Statistical Knowledge among Students in Grades 1-4 of a Comprehensive School." She has published more than 120 scientific papers, including 2 textbooks, 1 electronic textbook, 4 teaching aids, 4 teaching aids, more than 100 scientific and methodological articles and conference presentations. He is the supervisor of two independent researchers in the department.
Azamova Malohat Nadjimovna - Acting Associate Professor of Kimyo International University in Tashkent since August 2022. She is a Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Sciences (PhD) - has 30 years of experience in teaching and 10 years of experience in scientific and pedagogical work. Azamova Malohat Nadjimovna - conduct lectures and practical classes for Bachelor students in the disciplines Theory and Methods for the Development of Speech in Preschoolers, Methods of Educational Work and for Masters- Theory of Preschool Education and Methods of Teaching Special Subjects. Azamova Malohat Nadjimovna is an independent researcher for Doctor (DS) degree in the speciality 13.00.07. - "Theory and Methodology of Preschool Education" and is working on a dissertation on the topic "Improving the Mechanisms for the Development of Professional Competence of Directors of Preschool Educational Organizations." Azamova Malohat Nadjimovna is a member of the Academic Council of the Scientific Seminar in the speciality 13.00.02.- “Management in Education”. Azamova Malohat Nadjimovna published about 50 scientific papers, including 1 textbook and 4 teaching aids.
The total work experience- 17 years. 13 years of scientific and pedagogical experience in higher educational institutions. On December 5, 2018, she defended her dissertation on the topic " The Development of Verbal and Nonverbal Communication Skills of Mentally Retarded Pupils in the Education Process (on the example of primary classes) speciality 13.00.03 - Special pedagogy for obtaining a PhD degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Musaeva Nargiza Sayfullaevna was directly involved in the development and formalization of curricula and programs for students of the Department of Special Pedagogy. Musaeva Nargiza Sayfullaevna conducts lectures and seminars on such subjects as Fundamentals of Special Pedagogy, Special Education and “nclusive Education and Training in the Preschool Education System. Head of final qualifying works of Bachelor students and Master's theses. In her pedagogical activity, she conducts Master classes on topical issues of special pedagogy for the teaching staff and students of the university. Musaeva Nargiza Sayfullaevna has published 55 scientific and methodological works, including one monograph (co-authored), 5 methodological manuals (co-authored), 15 scientific articles and 36 articles and theses at international and republican conferences. She also actively participates in the collaborative work of the university, is a good mentor to students, contributing to the formation of the spiritual outlook of students through various methods.
Graduated from Tashkent State Pedagogical Institute named after Nizomiy, Department of Special Pedagogy, Sign Language Pedagogy. Total work experience is 30 years. 23 years of scientific pedagogical experience in higher educational institutions. She is the author of more than 10 textbooks and training manuals, more than 20 scientific articles at the disposal of OAK, published articles and theses at more than 80 international and republican conferences. In 2021, he received the title of associate professor. In 2022, she defended his doctoral thesis (PhD) in special pedagogy, pedagogic sciences on 13.00.03 on the topic "Technologies of involvement of families of children with hearing impairments of preschool age in correctional-pedagogical support". In the field of special pedagogy, he conducts lectures and seminars on subjects such as "Special pedagogy", "Diagnostics of children with developmental problems", "Correctional pedagogy", "Fine art and technology". actively participates in the activities of the department and is active in carrying out scientific and spiritual-educational work. Works to help students unlock their potential in research and writing academic papers and supports students in their studies.
Ismoilova Iroda Ismoil qizi - graduated from the master's program at the Tashkent State Pedagogical University named by Nizami, faculty of special pedagogy and speech therapy. Topic of the master's thesis: "Formation of graphomotor skills in senior preschoolers with erased dysarthria." Total work experience of 5 years. 3 years of scientific and pedagogical experience in higher educational institutions. Winner of the competition for bachelors of the Republic of Uzbekistan, where the state scholarship named after Navoi was established in 2020-2021. Published 6 scientific articles, prepared her articles and theses at 38 international and republican conferences. She actively participates in the collective work of the university, as well as in the implementation of spiritual and educational work in the activities of the department. She works to help reveal the potential of each student and support them in their studies.
2023 yilning 15-fevralida “Maktabgacha va boshlang’ich ta’lim metodikasi” kafedrasi tomonidan Alisher Navoiy tavalludining 582 yilligi va Zahiriddin Muhammad Bobur tavalludining 540 yilligi munosabati bilan “Bir asrning ikki dahosi” nomli tanlov-tadbir tashkil qilindi.
Tadbir dasturidan:
Tadbirni ToshDO‘TAU “Folklorshunoslik va dialektologiya” kafedrasi dotsenti, filologiya fanlari doktori Abdumurod Tilavov o’zining sermazmun suhbati bilan ochib berdi.
Tadbir davomida talabalar tomonidan yod olingan g‘azallar tinglandi.
TRS 74 guruh talabasi Rustamova Shaxrizodaning Bobur qalamiga mansub “Keltursa yuz baloni o’shal bevafo manga…” misralari bilan boshlanuvchi g’azalini kuyladi. Unga Nizomiy nomidagi pedagogika universiteti “Musiqa madaniyati” fakulteti “Ijrochilik mahorati va madaniyati” kafedrasi o’qituvchisi I.A.Ro’zimurodov o’z guruhi bilan sozandalik qildi.
TRS 71 guruh talabalari tomonidan “Navoiy va Guli” sahnasi ijro etildi.
PRIE 51 guruh talabalari tomonidan “Farxod va Shirin” ning zamonaviy talqini ijro etildi.
Bugun Toshkent Kimyo xalqaro universitetida taniqli yozuvchi, adabiyotshunos olim Ulug’bek Hamdam bilan ijodiy uchrashuv bo’lib o’tdi.
"Boshlangʻich taʼlim” yoʻnalishi 3-kurs talabalari uchun Italiyalik mutaxassis, Toshkent shahar Prezident maktablari metodisti Alessio Scarito ishtirokida "O'quvchilarda kreativlikni rivojlantirishning ahamiyati" mavzusida ijodiy uchrashuv tashkil qilindi. Uchrashuv to'liq ingliz tilida olib borilishiga qaramasdan talabalarimiz faol ishtirok qilishdi va o'zlarini qiziqtirgan savollariga javob olishdi.