
Kimyo International University in Tashkent is actively developing its educational programs in the field of fashion design, and one of the key tools in this process is the CLO 3D program

Kimyo International University in Tashkent is actively developing its educational programs in the field of fashion design, and one of the key tools in this process is the CLO 3D program. Since the beginning of cooperation with CLO three years ago, the university has been able to integrate advanced technologies into the educational program, which has significantly improved the quality of personnel training.

CLO is a 3D fashion design software program creating virtual, true-to life garment visualization with cutting-edge simulation technologies for the fashion and apparel industries.

The program provides extensive capabilities for simulating fabrics, textures and draperies, which allows designers to see how their product will look in real time. CLO 3D allows students to create detailed 3D models, which helps them better understand how the finished garment will look. This is especially important for students studying fashion design and technology, as they can visualize their ideas and correct errors at the early stages of development. Using CLO 3D significantly reduces the time required to create samples. Students can test different materials and styles without having to sew physical models, which saves not only time but also material resources. Knowledge of working with CLO 3D gives students a competitive advantage in the labor market. The ability to use modern technologies has become an important criterion for employers in the fashion industry. Students familiar with CLO 3D can demonstrate their skills and ideas to potential employers already at the stage of study.

As part of the educational process, students of Kimyo International University in Tashkent use CLO 3D in various courses related to fashion and textile design. The program is actively integrated into courses such as:

• Fashion Design: Students learn to create collections using CLO 3D to model their ideas.

• Textile Technology: Students explore the properties of fabrics, analyzing how they behave in different conditions.

• Fashion Marketing: Using virtual models, students develop marketing strategies that are based on the visualization of the final product. The collaboration of Kimyo International University in Tashkent with CLO 3D over the past three years has significantly enriched the educational process and training of students in the field of fashion. The introduction of modern technologies into the curriculum allows not only to improve the quality of education, but also to prepare students for a successful career in the dynamically developing fashion industry. The use of CLO 3D is becoming an important step in the formation of new specialists capable of competing at the international level.