General Medicine
Course Description
Direction of General Medicine – is the direction in field of health care, which covers a set of medical spheres, methods, practices of human activity, aimed to developing the medical sphere and professional skills.
In our country the department of General Medicine is one of the most famous departments, which has been providing medical education to specialists of that sphere during hundred years. General Medicine is an established discipline and has been taught in Uzbekistan for hundreds of years.
The purpose of the educational program
Delivering comprehensive theoretical and practical knowledge and skills to students in fundamental, preclinical and clinical disciplines of medicine and elective courses; general practitioner training.
After completing a 6-year program, the graduates will receive the General Practitioner qualification. Graduates can continue educational programs in Master’s in more than 70 specializations.
The educational program of Bachelor’s degree:
In Years 1-2 students are taught biomedical subjects (Human Anatomy, Medical Chemistry, Medical Biology, Histology, Normal Physiology, Introduction to Medicine etc.)
In Years 3-4 students are taught pre-clinical and clinical subjects (Pathological Anatomy, Pathological Physiology, Pharmacology, Propaedeutics to Internal Diseases, Propaedeutics to Children’s Disease, Pediatrics, Hematology, Medical Psychology etc.)
In Years 5-6 students are taught professional subjects (Hospital Surgery, Hospital Therapy, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ophthalmology, Otolaryngology, Psychiatry, Clinical Pharmacology, Surgical Diseases, Internal Disease etc.)
After the Bachelor’s degree in General Medicine within two years a Master’s degree and residency might be undertaken in the specializations mentioned below:
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Infectious diseases
General Oncology
Instrumental and Functional Diagnosis
Management of Public health
Medical Psychology
Anesthesiology and Rheumatology
Traumatology and Orthopedy
Forensic Medicine
Pathological Anatomy
Medical Emergency
It is also possible to carry out scientific research within established organisations as an independent researcher.
Entry requirements
You can start your desired study programme at Kimyo International University in Tashkent by completing the following requirements.
First you need to register on the admission.kiut.uz website.
Required documents for admission:
- Passport copy (color)
- A copy of the diploma / certificate from the lyceum / college / high school (color)
- An electronic photo taken within the last 3 months - 3.5 cm × 4.5 cm
- All the necessary documents listed above must be uploaded to the admission.kiut.uz website in electronic (scanned) form (the size of each document should not exceed 2 MB, JPEG or PNG format).
An official IELTS/TOEFL foreign language proficiency certificate, if available, is welcome and required for group study in English.
The subjects of entrance examinations are Biology, Chemistry and Mother Tongue and Literature.