Students of the History faculty of Kimyo International University in Tashkent are in Bishkek
Students of the History faculty of Kimyo International University in Tashkent are in Bishkek. On October 22, 2023, the trip of the 2nd year students of the faculy to the Jusup Balasagyn Kyrgyz National University began. During the trip, the students met with the director of the Institute of History and Regional Studies at the University Turatbek Sirdibayev and drew up a roadmap on the perspectives for further development of cooperation and exchange of students between the educational institutions. The students were particularly interested in a conversation with the head of the Department of Archeology, Ethnology, Source Studies and Historiography, Professor Tamerlan Charginov. The professor told about the last Paleolithic in Kyrgyzstan. This, in turn, provided our students with a unique opportunity to deepen their knowledge of the history of the country and get acquainted with archaeological finds related to this period. The scientific journey continues!