The conference will be held
In order to determine the scientific solutions to the problems identified in the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M. Mirziyoyev PP-4899 “On the comprehensive measures to develop biotechnologies and improve the system of ensuring the biological safety of the country” dated November 25, 2020, PP-60 “On the development strategy of New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026”, Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 08.10.2019 No. PF-5847 “The Concept for the Development of the Higher Education System of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030”, Tashkent International University Kimyo plans to hold the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern trends in the development of chemical and biological technologies”.
The conference will be held on September 22, 2023 at 10:00 (with the time in Tashkent) at Tashkent International University Kimyo (Tashkent, Yakkasaray district, U. Nosira st., 156). This conference will also be held online on the ZOOM platform (link to the conference will be provided later).
The purpose of the conference is to provide an opportunity for researchers to communicate and share experiences, proposals and initiatives.
The information about the conference is available on the website of the Tashkent International University Kimyo conference.kiut.uz
Conference program
The conference program includes plenary lectures (20 min.), oral presentations (10 min.) and a poster session in the following scientific areas:
1. Actual problems of chemical and biological technologies;
2. Biotechnological solutions in agriculture and food industry;
3. Biotechnology and chemical technology: technical solutions to the problems;
4. Industrial biotechnological and chemical technologies, and their integration with the science.
Applications and abstracts for the participation are accepted with this link: https://conference.kiut.uz/
The submission of reports
The duration of the plenary report is 20 minutes, the sectional report is 10 minutes, including time for answering questions. Presentation materials must be recorded on a USB drive and executed in Power Point Presentation.
Poster presentations will be posted throughout the conference. The recommended poster size for the poster session is A0 (841 mm×1189 mm in vertical orientation).
Rules for registration of abstracts of reports
The abstracts of the conference reports will be published in the form of a collection.
The abstracts are accepted until September 3, 2023 on the platform https://conference.kiut.uz/
Abstracts in Uzbek, Russian or English are sent in a form prepared for printing as an attached file of *.doc or *.docx format. The title of the attached abstract file should correspond to the first author's last name.
1. Articles with a volume of at least five pages of text are accepted for publication.
2. the formulas must be typed, and tables, you should use Microsoft Word for Windows. Document requirements: all margins 2 cm; font Times New Roman, size - 14; line spacing - 1.5; width alignment; paragraph indent 1 cm; sheet orientation is portrait. Figures made in MS Word are not accepted.
3. Formulas, tables, drawings (color and b/w) and graphs are allowed. Formulas must be typed (do not insert a non-editable picture!). If there are more than one (one) figures and tables, they are numbered, the names of (editable) figures and tables are centered, the text and numerical values in the tables (font size 12) must be editable (do not insert a picture!); explanatory captions must be editable (font size 12). The inscriptions embedded in the figures must be carefully edited, correspond to the figure and the text of the abstracts of the reports.
4. Design of the heading in Russian: (in capital letters, bold letters, alignment in the center of the line) TITLE OF THE ARTICLE; on the next line (bold italic font, right alignment) - full name. the author of the article in full; on the next line (italics, right alignment) - academic title, academic degree, position, name of the university; on the next line (italics, right alignment) - E-mail for contacts. If there are several authors of the article, then the information is repeated for each author.
5. Title design in English: the same information is repeated in the language in which the article is written.
6. Abstract in three working languages, no more than 600 characters (including spaces) for an abstract in each language.
7. Key words (given in Russian and English) are separated from each other by a semicolon.
8. After 1 line - the text of the article.
9. Through 1 line - the inscription: "Literature". It is followed by a list of references in alphabetical order.
Endnotes only end - in square brackets, indicating the number of the source in accordance with the list of literature at the end of the article, for example, [1].
Do not use automatic placement of footnotes for the bibliography.
Do not put hyphens in words.
The organizing committee reserves the right to reject articles that do not correspond to the subject of the conference, in case of detection of plagiarism and a technically incorrectly formatted report.
Arrangement fee
The registration fee for participation in the conference in Tashkent is 100,000 uzbek sums. The registration fee includes the participant's package, publication of the article, maintenance costs during the meetings and the poster session, coffee breaks, buffet.
Participants wishing to pay the registration fee in US dollars can transfer funds to the specified details:
Bank: Ipak Yuli Yakkasaray Branch, Tashkent
Tax identification number of the bank 206611005;
MFO 01028;
Bank account 20208840900900963001
Tashkent International Kimyo University (TIN 305652539)
Address: 100121, Tashkent, Yakkasaray district, Usman Nasyr street, 156.
Purpose of payment: Registration fee for the conference "Modern trends in the development of chemical and biological technologies", September 22, 2023.
Participants wishing to pay the registration fee in Russian rubles can transfer funds to the specified details:
Bank Ipak Yuli Yakkasaray Branch, Tashkent
Tax identification number of the bank 206611005;
MFO 01028.
Bank account 20208643100900963001
Tashkent International Kimyo University (TIN 305652539)
Address: 100121, Tashkent, Yakkasaray district, Usman Nasyr street, 156.
Purpose of payment: Registration fee for participation in the conference "Modern trends in the development of chemical and biological technologies", September 22, 2023.
The participants who wish to receive reporting documents (contract and the certificate of completion), the funds must be transferred to the specified details: conference.kiut.uz
Hotels. The participants are requested to make their own hotel reservations. Comfortable hotels are located near the University.
III. The scientific articles with a completed questionnaire must be sent only in an electronic form to the platform: https://conference.kiut.uz/ until September 3, 2023.
IV. The submitted scientific articles will undergo an examination for compliance with the above requirements, including they will be checked for plagiarism on the relevant platforms (www.antiplagiat.ru, www.text.ru), based on the results of the examination, materials that do not meet the requirements will not be published and will not be returned to the author.
The scientific articles with a positive assessment of the expertise will be included in the publishing house of the electronic collection and will be published on the official platform https://conference.kiut.uz/
The address of the organizing committee: Department of Chemistry and Biology, Usman Nasyr street, 156, Yakkasaray district, 100121, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
+998-95-774-75-77, Abdullayev Asilbek
+998-91-371-72-78, Dauletbayev Asilbek
+998-97-444-11-49, Mirzarakhmetova Dilbar
e-mail: d.mirzaraxmetova@kiut.uz
On September 23, an excursion is planned to the Urgench State University, Khorezm Academy of Mamun and Khiva - a beautiful oasis city with ancient walls, minarets and unique clay buildings. Khiva is over 2500 years old. You can plunge into history and see the true beauty of the ancient East - Khiva! The cost of a trip around the city of Urgench and Khiva is not included in the registration fee, it is paid separately upon arrival. The preliminary price is 500 US dollars, the exact price will depend on the number of applicants and we will announce this separately. The cost of the tour will include: flight, a bus trip, an excursion program, hotel cost, breakfast, lunch, dinner.