Translation studies (Chinese and English languages)
Course description
The course Bachelor of Translation studies (1. English, 2. Chinese) Within the framework of this subject, students receive comprehensive knowledge regarding the specifics of the language, theory and practice of translation, text style, types of translation such as written translation and interpretation
The programme aims to achieve the following objectives:
The purpose of this course is to provide students with an understanding the nature of oral and written translation to develop translation skills in first and second language. Students will gain the confidence and skill to translate from first and second language into their native language and backward. On successful completion of this course students will be able to:
The graduates will:
- analyses the discourse of the text, choose the right methods of translation
- correlate typological and stylistic features of text between source and target languages
- use transformational methods of translation
- adapt the text or oral material up to recipients audience
The graduates will be able to:
- translate lexical, semantically and stylistically correct given materials into target language
- translate scientific and poetic texts
- translate audiovisual materials, translate simultaneous correct speakers speech
- Translate from Uzbek into English and From English into Uzbek languages
- Translate from Chinese into Uzbek and from Uzbek into Chinese
The graduate will:
- criticize translated texts
- find intercultural barriers in textual materials and find solution .
- have experience in using knowledge, skills and creative skills in professional, translation, cultural activities.
Purpose of the bachelor’s thesis/project: The requirements for a diploma work are the independence of the creative concept, plastic solution and execution.
The diploma work is an indicator of the graduate student's ability to organize his time and his work, the ability to consistently and correctly conduct his work, the ability to collect material, study and use it when creating a work, an indicator of the responsibility of a young translator for his(her) work before society.
Internal examination committee will grade the Student’s final thesis/project according to established grading system.
As a prerequisite for completing the undergraduate program, students must attend and pass educational modules equivalent to a total workload of 145 credits. A fulltime semester encompasses educational elements, corresponding to 20-21 credits. The program comprises compulsory, elective and summer practice educational modules.